01892naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400420006010000210010224501340012326000090025750001040026652009410037065000160131165000210132765000130134865000130136165000130137465000170138765000240140465000140142865000350144265300270147765300250150470000220152977300510155121286692020-12-23 2020 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1294.182DOI1 aBORGES, R. M. E. aGenetic parameters and variability for commercial and nutritional quality attributes in pumpkin genotypes.h[electronic resource] c2020 aEdição do Proceedings of the VI International Symposium on Cucurbits, Ghent, Belgium, jul. 2019. aThis study aimed to estimate genetic parameters and variability for traits associated with the commercial and nutritional quality of fruit pulp in 12 pumpkin genotypes. The results of ANOVA and those associated with genetic parameters indicate the existence of variability in the genotypes under assessment. A greater influence of genetic factors was observed in the expression of characteristics associated with the evaluated variables, except for the soluble solids content and the titratable acidity. Heritability values were high, varying between 67.9% for titratable acidity and 96.1% for the proportion of ?-carotene in relation to the total carotenoids content. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) evidenced four divergent groups of genotypes for the characteristics assessed. The results indicate a favorable situation for selection and promising advances in the next stages of the breeding program, aiming to obtain elite lines. aCarotenoids aGenetic variance aGenotype aPumpkins aAbóbora aCarotenóide aCucúrbita Moschata aGenótipo aMelhoramento Genético Vegetal aVariância fenotípica aVariância genética1 aLIMA, M. A. C. de tActa Horticulturaegn. 1294, p. 141-148, 2020.