02079naa a2200277 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400550006010000180011524502060013326000090033952011150034865000280146365300190149165300290151065300240153965300280156365300200159170000250161170000200163670000200165670000210167670000190169770000250171677300600174121266362021-01-08 2020 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.1230142DOI1 aSANTOS, C. F. aEnvironmentally friendly urea produced from the association of N-(nbutyl) thiophosphoric triamide with biodegradable polymer coating obtained from a soybean processing byproduct.h[electronic resource] c2020 aNitrogen (N) losses in agriculture systems are intense, occurring mainly in the form of ammonia (N eNH3). Strategies to mitigate these losses are indispensable for ?clean? agriculture towards circular economy. In this respect, combining urease inhibitors with biodegradable polymer coating in the same fertilizer granule is fundamental for reducing N losses. This is considered an innovative strategy for increasing the efficiency in the use of urea in agriculture worldwide. Therefore, this study aimed to test the effect of urea treated with NBPT (N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide) at the concentration of 80 mg kg1 and urea treated with 20 mg kg1 of NBPT and coated with organic polymer (a soybean byproduct) on the reduction of urease activity and losses of NeNH3 as well as to analyze the effect of pH and soil moisture related to these losses. Two field experiments were conducted simultaneously in the Southeast region of Brazil, in 2018. Conventional urea, urea þ NBPT (80 mg kg1 ), urea þ NBPT (20 mg kg1 ) þ rganic polymer were applied in top-dressing at the rate of 150 kg N ha1 on maize crop. aSustainable agriculture aAmmonia losses aClean polymer technology aEnhanced efficiency aNitrogen use efficiency aUrease activity1 aARAGÃO, O. O. da S.1 aSILVA, D. R. G.1 aJESUS, E. da C.1 aCHAGAS, W. F. T.1 aCORREIA, P. S.1 aMOREIRA, F. M. de S. tJournal of Cleaner Production.gv. 276, e 123014, 2020.