01070naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400270006010000240008724501420011126000090025352004360026265300190069870000200071770000250073770000190076270000200078170000200080177300430082121170042019-12-16 2019 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.3390/f100907862DOI1 aMORAIS, T. C. B. de aEfficiency of the CL, DRIS and CND methods in assessing the nutritional status of Eucalyptus spp. rooted cuttings.h[electronic resource] c2019 aThe efficiency of methods in adequately interpreting the nutritional status of Eucalyptus spp. rooted cuttings remains unknown. The aim was to evaluate the quality of diagnoses obtained using the critical level (CL), diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) and compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) methods to assess the nutritional status of Eucalyptus spp. rooted cuttings, based on two different yield indicators. aForest species1 aPRADO, R. de M.1 aTRASPADINI, E. I. F.1 aWADT, P. G. S.1 aPAULA, R. C. de1 aROCHA, A. M. S. tForestsgv. 10, n. 9, 786, Sept. 2019.