02369naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501110008026000090019152017130020065300330191365300260194665300100197270000160198270000250199870000220202370000200204570000180206577300680208321113222019-08-13 2018 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aOLIVEIRA, R. P. aAzospirillum brasilense inoculation and management of fertilizer nitrogen in maize.h[electronic resource] c2018 aThe objective of this study was to evaluate the Azospirillum brasilense effect associated with the nitrogen fertilization and inoculation systems in maize. Treatments sown in season and off-season were distributed in randomized blocks with factorial arrangement 2x2x2 + 1, with the strains Abv5 + Abv6 (commercial inoculant) and MAY1, inoculating the seed and in the groove, presence and absence of nitrogen fertilization + control. The following evaluations were carried out in the season and the off-season sowing: number of grains per ear, total number of ears, grain mass per ear, mass of 100 grains, nitrogen content in grains and productivity. In season, the number of grains per ear with Abv5 + Abv6 and MAY1 were 42 and 40% higher, respectively, compared to the control. The highest number of ears with Abv5 + Abv6 was 57037 and 48148, respectively, for seed application, without N and application in the groove, with N. With use of MAY1 were obtained 53333 and 50370 ears ha-1, respectively, for the application in the seed, without and with N. The highest mass of grain per ear (185 g) was obtained by application of MAY1 in the groove, with N. In off-season, the treatment with MAY1 in the seed, without N, presented the highest number of grains per ear, reaching 634 units. The use of the MAY1 strain inoculated in the seed, with the use of N, resulted in an increase in grain yield of maize harvests reaching 6819 kg ha-1. Both Abv5 + Abv6 strain did not result in increased maize grain yield, reaching an average of 5682 kg ha-1. In addition, the use of any strain studied did not result in increased of maize grain yield when submitted to groove application, obtaining on average 5648 kg ha-1. aBiological fixation nitrogen aDiazotrophic bacteria aMaise1 aLIMA, S. F.1 aALVAREZ, R. de C. F.1 aBALDANI, V. L. D.1 aOLIVEIRA, M. P.1 aBRASIL, M. S. tBrazilian Journal of Agriculturegv. 93, n 3, p. 347-361, 2018.