03197nam a2200349 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000200007424501240009426001570021830000110037549000500038650001910043652018960062765000110252365000130253465000180254765300280256565300250259370000200261870000230263870000190266170000260268070000190270670000150272570000230274070000160276370000200277970000260279970000220282521055592020-01-21 2017 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d a1980-68411 aROCHA, M. I. P. aLDHB gene has allele-specific expression in liver of Nelore cattle extremes for feed efficiency.h[electronic resource] aIn: WORKSHOP ON OMICS STRATEGIES APPLIED TO LIVESTOCK SCIENCE, 1., 2017, Piracicaba, SP. Proceedings... São Carlos, SP: Embrapa Pecuária Sudestec2017 ap. 25. a(Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste. Documentos, 125). aEditores: Luiz Lehmann Coutinho, Luciana C. de A. Regitano, Gerson Barreto Mourão, Aline Silva Mello Cesar, Bárbara Silva Vignato, Mirele Daiana Poleti, Wellison Jarles da Silva Diniz. aFeed efficiency is a multi-factorial trait of a large economic importance for cattle. Although previous studies reported gene expression differences associated with this trait the contribution of allele-specific expression (ASE) remains largely unknown. In this study, we analyzed ASE in liver samples of 30 Nelore cattle steers in two genetically divergent groups for residual feed intake (RFI) searching for genes with ASE linked to feed efficiency. Based on genotype data obtained using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip, we computed the frequency of reads from RNA-seq data mapped to each allele of heterozygous individuals and applied a binomial test to identify loci of ASE. We detected significant differences in expression among alleles for seven SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) that were tested significantly in >90% of the samples. Amid them, we selected the LDHB gene that has been previously associated with feed efficiency in chickens. The LDHB gene carries out functions in carbohydrate, carboxylic acid and oxidation-reduction metabolic processes important for glycolysis. These biological processes were associated with feed efficiency and cell energy balance in previous studies. Since the SNP found on LDHB is located at 3?UTR, we studied whether a putative microRNA binding site near or at the SNP site could exist and account for the regulation of gene expression. We found that the Bta-miR-139 binds at the SNP site of LDHB. This miRNA was also identified by the group in a previous study with expressed microRNA in the liver. Thus, we theorized that the BtamiR-139 miRNA affects the expression of the LDHB gene and may contribute to ASE. Therefore, these results complement our understanding of the ASE profile of the LDHB gene and contribute to explain more accurately the differences in gene expression identified in Nelore steers genetically divergent for RFI. acattle amicroRNA aGado de Corte aDifferential expression aResidual feed intake1 aSOUZA, M. M. de1 aZERLOTINI NETO, A.1 aTIZIOTO, P. C.1 aOLIVEIRA, P. S. N. de1 aLIMA, A. O. de1 aAFONSO, J.1 aDINIZ, W. J. da S.1 aBUSS, C. E.1 aCOUTINHO, L. L.1 aREGITANO, L. C. de A.1 aNICIURA, S. C. M.