02635naa a2200385 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200460006002400370010610000210014324501290016426000090029352014240030265000330172665000160175965000180177565000330179365000270182665000220185365000140187565000190188965000220190865000120193065300240194265300440196665300460201065300210205670000170207770000280209470000160212270000190213870000210215770000190217877300520219721027872021-07-02 2018 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a1598-2254 (impresso) / 2093-9280 (online)7 a10.5423/PPJ.OA.01.2018.00142DOI1 aFERRAZ, H. G. M. aXanthomonas axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov. causing bacterial leaf blight on eucalypt in Brazil.h[electronic resource] c2018 aBacterial leaf blight is a major disease of eucalypt, especially under nursery conditions. Different bacterial species have been associated with the disease in several countries, and despite its importance worldwide, it is not clear to date whether similar disease symptoms are caused by the same or by different etiological agents. In this study, 43 bacterial strains were isolated from blighted eucalypt leaves collected in different geographic areas of Brazil and inoculated onto a susceptible eucalypt clone. Polyphasic taxonomy, including morphological, physiological, biochemical, molecular, and pathogenicity tests showed that only certain strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis caused symptoms of the disease. Strains varied in their aggressiveness, but no correlation with geographic origin was observed. MLSA-based phylogenetic analysis using concatenated dnaK, fyuA, gyrB and rpoD gene sequences allocated the strains in a well-defined clade, corresponding to Rademarker?s group RG 9.6. Inoculation of nineteen plant species belonging to seven botanical families with representative strain LPF 602 showed it to be pathogenic only on Eucalyptus spp, and Corymbia spp. Based on distinct biochemical and pathogenic characteristics that differentiate the eucalypt strains from other pathovars of the X. axonopodis species, here we propose their allocation into the new pathovar X. axonopodis pv. eucalyptorum pv. nov. aBacterial diseases of plants aLeaf blight aNursery crops aPlant diseases and disorders aXanthomonas axonopodis aDoença de Planta aEucalipto aEucalyptus spp aMancha Bacteriana aViveiro aCultivos de viveros aEnfermedades bacterianas de las plantas aEnfermedades y desórdenes de las plantas aMarchitez foliar1 aBADEL, J. L.1 aGUIMARÃES, L. M. da S.1 aREIS, B. P.1 aTÓTOLA, M. R.1 aGONCALVES, R. C.1 aALFENAS, A. C. tPlant Pathologygv. 34, n. 4, p. 269-285, 2018.