01529nam a2200397 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400340006010000210009424501220011526000570023750001460029452002090044065000290064965000240067865000230070265000120072565000140073765000220075165000160077365300260078965300280081565300460084370000170088970000160090670000210092270000220094370000190096570000220098470000170100670000220102370000230104570000180106870000250108670000200111120878272018-02-20 2017 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d7 a10.2527/asasann.2017.6272DOI1 aALBERTINI, T. Z. aBeefTraderboptimal economical endpoint decision support system for feedlots and meat packers.h[electronic resource] aJournal of Animal Science v. 95, p. 307, 2017.c2017 aSuplemento 4, Resumo 627. Edição de Abstracts do ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Baltimore, 2017. Na publicação: S. R. Medeiros. aThis study aimed to identify the most profitable feeding endpoint for feedlot cattle based on each individual animal?s optimal economical endpoint (OEE) using the BeefTrader Decision Support System (DSS). aDecision support systems aMathematical models aMonte Carlo method aNellore aRuminants aSimulation models aGado nelore aModelagem matemática aSimulação Monte Carlo aSistema de suporte à decisão BeefTrader1 aBIASE, A. G.1 aBARBOSA, M.1 aCERQUEIRA, A. G.1 aGONÇALVES, H. C.1 aBARIONI, L. G.1 aCAIXETA-FILHO, V.1 aPÉRA, T. G.1 aDIAS, C. T. D. S.1 aMEDEIROS, S. R. de1 aOLTJEN, J. W.1 aNEPOMUCENO, N. H. C.1 aLANNA, D. P. D.