01785naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000210006024500770008126000090015852010210016765000240118865000150121265000100122765000170123765000110125465000100126565000130127565000150128865000100130365300260131365300230133970000170136270000170137970000200139677300790141620633012017-02-09 1981 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aPRASAD, V. S. S. aAssessment of carcass and mutton quality in native and cross bred sheep. c1981 aAbstract: Male lambs of Malpura, Sonadi and their crosses with Dorset and Suffolk were fed intensively from 91-180 days of age and slaughtered on the 181st day. Half-breds were 23.56 and 29.02% superior to natives in live weight and dressed weight. Suffolk crosses were heavier than Dorset crosses. Heavier carcass weights and larger meat to bones ratios were observed in half-breds. Nutritive analysis of muscle samples from 5 carcass joints, i.e., leg, loin, rack, foreshank and shoulder from 6 lambs in each genetic group showed significant (P < 0.01) genetic group differences for protein content. Suffolk .times. Malpura half-breds had more protein content in their muscles than natives and other crosses. Carcass joints significantly (P < 0.01) differed in their protein, intramuscular fat and ash percentages. Loin had more protein and ash, and rack and shoulder had more intramuscular fat than other cuts. Suffolk rams were better than Dorset rams for improving the carcass and mutton quality of natives. aCarcass composition aCrossbreds aLambs aMeat quality aMutton aSheep aCordeiro aCruzamento aOvino aQualidade da carcaça aQualidade da carne1 aARORA, C. L.1 aSINGH, R. N.1 aBOHRA, S. D. J. tThe Indian Journal of Animal Sciencesgv. 51, n. 6, p. 638-642, Jun. 1981.