02342naa a2200337 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400350006010000200009524501280011526000090024352013280025265000220158065000220160265000270162465000240165165000120167565000230168765000230171065000220173365000250175565300190178065300230179965300230182270000160184570000230186170000200188470000210190470000170192577300620194220373702016-03-11 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.1007/s10709-015-9840-72DOI1 aABREU, A. G. de aSSR characterization of Oryza glumaepatula populations from the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes.h[electronic resource] c2015 aThe level and distribution of the genetic variability in 18 natural populations of Oryza glumaepatula that were collected from two Brazilian states were estimated using a set of 23 highly informative SSR markers. Samples comprising 78 and 117 individuals from populations of the states of Tocantins and Roraima, respectively, were evaluated in order to integrate and support previous studies that were carried out with populations of O. glumaepatula from Brazil. A total of 189 alleles were identified with an average of 8.22 alleles per locus. The 11 populations from Roraima presented, in combination, a higher genetic diversity (HE = 0.245) compared with that of the seven populations from Tocantins (HE = 0.212). All of the populations showed high and significant inbreeding values (mean f = 0.59); however, the mean was higher in Tocantins populations, indicating a higher gene flow in Roraima populations. The overall coefficient of genetic differentiation (FST) among the populations was high and significant (0.59) and was higher in Tocantins due to the isolation of each population, in contrast to Roraima, where gene flow occurred more frequently. The SSR panel used in this work resulted to be informative (polymorphism information content = 0.201) for assessing genetic structure in O. glumaepatula populations. aGenetic resources aGenetic variation aMicrosatellite repeats aPopulation genetics aCerrado aMarcador genético aMarcador molecular aRecurso genético aVariação genética aMicrosatélite aOryza glumaepatula aWild Oryza species1 aROSA, T. M.1 aBORBA, T. C. de O.1 aVIANELLO, R. P.1 aRANGEL, P. H. N.1 aBRONDANI, C. tGenetica, The Haguegv. 143, n. 4, p. 413-423, Aug. 2015.