02460naa a2200433 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400310006010000280009124501530011926000090027252012390028165000120152065000230153265000120155565000300156765000130159765000120161065000280162265000240165065000130167465000250168765000140171265300200172665300130174665300110175965300080177065300140177870000220179270000190181470000230183370000200185670000210187670000200189770000210191770000210193870000200195977300470197920330442024-06-20 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.1534/g3.115.0230442DOI1 aLEAL-BERTIOLI, S. C. M. aGenetic mapping of resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria in arachis stenospermaba new source of nematode resistance for peanut.h[electronic resource] c2015 aRoot-knot nematodes (RKN; Meloidogyne sp.) are a major threat to crops in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. The use of resistant crop varieties is the preferred method of control because nematicides are expensive, and hazardous to humans and the environment. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is infected by four species of RKN, the most damaging being M. arenaria, and commercial cultivars rely on a single source of resistance. In this study, we genetically characterize RKN resistance of the wild Arachis species A. stenosperma using a population of 93 recombinant inbred lines developed from a cross between A. duranensis and A. stenosperma. Four quantitative trait loci (QTL) located on linkage groups 02, 04, and 09 strongly influenced nematode root galling and egg production. Drought-related, domestication and agronomically relevant traits were also evaluated, revealing several QTL. Using the newly available Arachis genome sequence, easy-to-use KASP (kompetitive allele specific PCR) markers linked to the newly identified RKN resistance loci were developed and validated in a tetraploid context. Therefore, we consider that A. stenosperma has high potential as a new source of RKN resistance in peanut breeding programs. aArachis aChromosome mapping adrought aMarker-assisted selection aNematoda aPeanuts aQuantitative trait loci aRoot-knot nematodes aAmendoim aMeloidogyne arenaria aNematoide aMarker-assisted aNematode aPeanut aQTL aRoot-knot1 aMORETZSOHN, M. C.1 aROBERTS, P. A.1 aBALLEN-TABORDA, C.1 aBORBA, T. C. O.1 aVALDISSER, P. A.1 aVIANELLO, R. P.1 aARAUJO, A. C. G.1 aGUIMARAES, P. M.1 aBERTIOLI, D. J. tG3: Genes, Genomes, Geneticsgv. 12, 2015.