01162naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000160006024501480007626000090022452004390023365000100067265000180068265000220070065000130072265000120073570000210074770000140076870000200078270000150080270000190081770000200083677300520085620285272016-03-08 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aFAJARDO, M. aUse of mixed rations with different access time to pastureland on productive responses of early lactation Holstein cows.h[electronic resource] c2015 aThe intensification of milk production has required the development of new feeding strategies such as the use of mixed rations either with or without access to grazing. The aim of this study was, to determine milk production and composition, body condition score (BCS), live weight (LW) and grazing behaviour of Holstein dairy cows subject to diets combining mixed rations and herbage during their first 10-wk of lactation (period 1). aDieta aGado leiteiro aNutrição animal aPastagem aPastejo1 aMATTIAUDA, D. A.1 aMOTTA, G.1 aGENRO, T. C. M.1 aMEIKLE, A.1 aCARRIQUIRY, M.1 aCHILIBROSTE, P. tLivestock Sciencegv. 181, p. 51-57, Nov. 2015.