01648nam a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501470008026002340022752008180046165000260127965000170130570000230132270000200134570000180136570000220138370000190140570000180142420222532016-01-29 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aLEITE, D. C. A. aIntegrated crop-livestock-forest system presents a different soil microbial structure in comparison to other land uses.h[electronic resource] aIn: WORLD CONGRESS ON INTEGRATED CROP-LIVESTOCK-FOREST SYSTEMS; INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED CROP-LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS, 3., 2015, Brasília, DF. Towards sustainable intensification: proceedings. Brasília, DF: Embrapac2015 aSoil organic matter (SOM) conservation is essential for environmental services maintenance, especially in tropical agroecosytems where this component is essential for soil fertility, structure and biological activity. Soil microorganisms are the main driver of nutrient cycling, since key processes, such as C and N mineralization, N immobilization, xenobiotics decomposition, denitrification and others are mediated by them. However when the agroecosystems are manipulated, these active components of soils are impacted, changing the carbon and nutrient dynamics. Therefore, the monitoring of the microbial communities is a good tool to indicate changes in soil dynamics. Our objective was to characterize the soil microbial communities under different land uses by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. aMicrobiologia do solo aUso da terra1 aBALIEIRO, F. de C.1 aLEITE, L. F. C.1 aMADARI, B. E.1 aRIBEIRO, A. de F.1 aPEIXOTO, R. S.1 aROSADO, A. S.