02277naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024501000008026000090018030000130018949000380020252014940024065000190173465000250175365300150177865300180179365300250181170000230183670000230185977301650188220026202014-12-15 2014 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aPADOVANI, C. R. aModelo de correlação e sistema de monitoramento e alerta de inundações e secas no Pantanal. c2014 ap. 59-64 a(Embrapa Solos. Documentos, 167). aIn the Pantanal wetland the periodic floods and droughts determine the distribution and abundance of the wildlife, vegetation and ecological processes. The cattle ranching and fisheries, the main economic activities, are extremely influenced and dependent of the flood and droughts regimes. The aim of this work is to propose correlation models between hydrological variables for monitoring and alert system (MAS) of floods and droughts to the Pantanal for a better management, conservation and decision making in case of extreme events. It was subject of analysis ten years time series from 2000 to 2009 of estimated satellite precipitation, river stages and flood mapping derived from MODIS surface reflectance bands processed by the un-mixing spectral model. These are the main hydrological compartments and its relationships was determined by previous knowledge of the region and statistical models of correlation, based on the hydrological processes from upstream to downstream water flux. The power and time lag of the relationships between each hydrological compartments was determined. These data, relationships and flood maps was organized in a data bank of a monitoring and alert system of the Pantanal region (SISMONPAN). This MAS will be available at the Internet that allows any stakeholder to simulate possible scenarios of floods and droughts based in the predetermined relationships of upstream to downstream water flux and based in previous events stored in the data bank. aremote sensing aSensoriamento Remoto aHydrologia aMonitoramento aMonitoring hydrology1 aDIAS, C. T. dos S.1 aSHIMABUKURO, Y. E. tIn: SEMINÁRIO DA REDE AGROHIDRO, 1., 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Água: desafios para a sustentabilidade da agricultura - anais. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos, 2014.