Registros recuperados : 5 | |
2. |  | FOTIUS, A. B. M.; SILVA, M. N. P. da; ALVES, F. C.; RIBEIRO, P. R. de A.; VOLTOLINI, T. V.; FERNANDES JUNIOR, P. I. Respostas produtivas do capim-buffel inoculado com bactérias promotoras de crescimento. In: JORNADA DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA EMBRAPA SEMIÁRIDO, 17., 2023, Petrolina. Anais... Petrolina: Embrapa Semiárido, 2023. p. 36. (Embrapa Semiárido. Eventos Técnicos & Científicos, 1). Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido. |
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3. |  | FIGUEIRODO, L. B. F. DE; MORAES, S. A. de; RIBEIRO, L. G. M.; PINTO, A. F. de B. P.; SILVA, M. N. P. da; NOGUEIRA, D. M.; CORDEIRO, M. F.; LOPES JÚNIOR, E. S. Efeito de diferentes níveis de torta de algodão incluídos na dieta sobre a performance reprodutiva de cabras no semiárido nordestinO. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 55.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ZOOTECNIA, 28., 2018, Goiânia, GO. Construindo saberes, formando pessoas e transformando a produção animal. Goiânia, GO: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia: Associação Brasileira de Zootecnistas, 2018. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido. |
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4. |  | GOMES, M. L. R.; ALVES, F. C.; SILVA FILHO, J. R. V. da; SOUZA, C. M. de; SILVA, M. N. P. da; SANTANA JUNIOR, R. A.; SOUZA, L. C. de; VOLTOLINI, T. V. Maniçoba for sheep and goats - forage yield, conservation strategies, animal performance and quality of products. Ciência Rural, v. 52, n. 3, e20201096, 2022. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido. |
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5. |  | GOMES, M. L. R.; SILVA FILHO, J. R. V. da; ALVES, F. C.; SILVA, M. N. P. da; SOUZA, C. M. de; SOUZA, L. C. de; VOLTOLINI, T. V. In situ ruminal degradability of forage cactus-based diets associated with pornunça silage. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, v. 44, n. 2, p. 549-566, mar./abr. 2023. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido. |
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Registros recuperados : 5 | |
Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s): |
Embrapa Semiárido. |
Data corrente: |
20/11/2023 |
Data da última atualização: |
20/11/2023 |
Tipo da produção científica: |
Artigo em Periódico Indexado |
Circulação/Nível: |
A - 4 |
Autoria: |
GOMES, M. L. R.; SILVA FILHO, J. R. V. da; ALVES, F. C.; SILVA, M. N. P. da; SOUZA, C. M. de; SOUZA, L. C. de; VOLTOLINI, T. V. |
Afiliação: |
Título: |
In situ ruminal degradability of forage cactus-based diets associated with pornunça silage. |
Ano de publicação: |
2023 |
Fonte/Imprenta: |
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, v. 44, n. 2, p. 549-566, mar./abr. 2023. |
DOI: |
10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n2p549 |
Idioma: |
Inglês |
Conteúdo: |
The knowledge of ruminal degradation kinetics of forage cactus-based diets associated with Euphorbiaceae species of the genus Manihot assist in understanding nutrient quality and use, contributing to the indication of combinations of theseingredients in ruminant diets. This study aimed to evaluate the in situ ruminal degradability of diets with increasing association of forage cactus Elephant Ear (MEE) and pornunça (Manihot sp.) silage, as well as to analyze and evaluate the indigestible neutral detergent fiber (FDNi) content of forage cactus MEE and pornunça silage. The treatments consisted of diets with cactus pear associated with pornunça silage in the roughage portion in the proportions of 375, 250, 125 and 0 g kg-1 of DM. The feed was composed of 50% roughage and 50% concentrate of dry matter. Incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 144 hours were evaluated for the ingredients and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours for the diets. Incubation to obtain the iNDF was given for 288 hours. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with three replications. Regarding roughage ingredients, MEE showed higher average disappearance, potential degradability (PD), and effective degradability (ED) in relation to pornunça silage, as well as lower NDFi content. The proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and 125 g kg-1 pornunça silage provided higher fractions a, b, and c, increasing ED considering the three passage rates, with higher PD. In conclusion, the association between MEE and pornunça silage at a proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and125g kg-1 pornunça silage of the roughage portion increases the in situ degradability of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber. MenosThe knowledge of ruminal degradation kinetics of forage cactus-based diets associated with Euphorbiaceae species of the genus Manihot assist in understanding nutrient quality and use, contributing to the indication of combinations of theseingredients in ruminant diets. This study aimed to evaluate the in situ ruminal degradability of diets with increasing association of forage cactus Elephant Ear (MEE) and pornunça (Manihot sp.) silage, as well as to analyze and evaluate the indigestible neutral detergent fiber (FDNi) content of forage cactus MEE and pornunça silage. The treatments consisted of diets with cactus pear associated with pornunça silage in the roughage portion in the proportions of 375, 250, 125 and 0 g kg-1 of DM. The feed was composed of 50% roughage and 50% concentrate of dry matter. Incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 144 hours were evaluated for the ingredients and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours for the diets. Incubation to obtain the iNDF was given for 288 hours. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with three replications. Regarding roughage ingredients, MEE showed higher average disappearance, potential degradability (PD), and effective degradability (ED) in relation to pornunça silage, as well as lower NDFi content. The proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and 125 g kg-1 pornunça silage provided higher fractions a, b, and c, increasing ED considering the three passage rates, with higher PD. In conclusion, the association... Mostrar Tudo |
Palavras-Chave: |
Forage cactus; Orelha de Elefante Mexicana; Silage de pornunça. |
Thesagro: |
Dieta; Euphorbiaceae; Palma Forrageira; Silagem. |
Thesaurus NAL: |
Forage; Manihot; Opuntia stricta. |
Categoria do assunto: |
L Ciência Animal e Produtos de Origem Animal |
URL: |
Marc: |
LEADER 02683naa a2200325 a 4500 001 2158596 005 2023-11-20 008 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 024 7 $a10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n2p549$2DOI 100 1 $aGOMES, M. L. R. 245 $aIn situ ruminal degradability of forage cactus-based diets associated with pornunça silage.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2023 520 $aThe knowledge of ruminal degradation kinetics of forage cactus-based diets associated with Euphorbiaceae species of the genus Manihot assist in understanding nutrient quality and use, contributing to the indication of combinations of theseingredients in ruminant diets. This study aimed to evaluate the in situ ruminal degradability of diets with increasing association of forage cactus Elephant Ear (MEE) and pornunça (Manihot sp.) silage, as well as to analyze and evaluate the indigestible neutral detergent fiber (FDNi) content of forage cactus MEE and pornunça silage. The treatments consisted of diets with cactus pear associated with pornunça silage in the roughage portion in the proportions of 375, 250, 125 and 0 g kg-1 of DM. The feed was composed of 50% roughage and 50% concentrate of dry matter. Incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 144 hours were evaluated for the ingredients and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours for the diets. Incubation to obtain the iNDF was given for 288 hours. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with three replications. Regarding roughage ingredients, MEE showed higher average disappearance, potential degradability (PD), and effective degradability (ED) in relation to pornunça silage, as well as lower NDFi content. The proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and 125 g kg-1 pornunça silage provided higher fractions a, b, and c, increasing ED considering the three passage rates, with higher PD. In conclusion, the association between MEE and pornunça silage at a proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and125g kg-1 pornunça silage of the roughage portion increases the in situ degradability of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber. 650 $aForage 650 $aManihot 650 $aOpuntia stricta 650 $aDieta 650 $aEuphorbiaceae 650 $aPalma Forrageira 650 $aSilagem 653 $aForage cactus 653 $aOrelha de Elefante Mexicana 653 $aSilage de pornunça 700 1 $aSILVA FILHO, J. R. V. da 700 1 $aALVES, F. C. 700 1 $aSILVA, M. N. P. da 700 1 $aSOUZA, C. M. de 700 1 $aSOUZA, L. C. de 700 1 $aVOLTOLINI, T. V. 773 $tSemina: Ciências Agrárias$gv. 44, n. 2, p. 549-566, mar./abr. 2023.
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