Registros recuperados : 10 | |
1. |  | MORENO, T.; SCHLÖNVOIGT, A. Manejo de rastrojos enriquecidos con especies leguminosas en fincas de productores Ngöbes de la Cuenca del Río San Félix, Panamá. Agroforesteria en las Américas, Turrialba, v. 9, n. 35-36, p. 22-28, 2002. Basado en: Moreno, T. 2001. Evaluación de especies leguminosas y manejo de rastrojos en fincas de productores Ngöbes de la Cuenca del Río San Félix, Panamá. Tesis M.Sc., CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Florestas. |
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2. |  | CAMACHO, M. E.; GOMEZ, M. S. : MARTINEZ, E.; MORENO, T.; SERENO, J. R. B.; GASCA, A. Calidad fisico-quimica de la leche de dos razas porcinas (Iberico y duroc jersey) en distintos periodos de la lactacion. In: SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE CONSERVACION DE LOS RECURSOS GENETICOS LOCALES Y EL DESARROLLO RURAL SUSTENTABLE, 2., 2001, Coro. Programa y resumenes. Coro, Falcon: Fundacite Falcon, 2001. p.50. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pantanal. |
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3. |  | MIOTTO, A.; CERETTA, C. A.; GIROTTO, E.; TRENTIN, G.; KAMINSKI, J.; DE CONTI, L.; MORENO, T.; ELENA, B.; BRUNETTO, G. Copper accumulation and availability in sandy, acid, vineyard soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, v. 48, n. 10, p. 1167-1183, 2017. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pecuária Sul. |
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4. |  | SERENO, J. R. B.; PEINADO, B.; SERENO, F. T. P. S.; MORENO, T.; CABELLO, A.; BARBA, C.; DELGADO, J. V. Estudio tecnico y economico de algunas tecnicas de reproduccion asistida en cerdos domesticos. In: SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE CONSERVACION DE LOS RECURSOS GENETICOS LOCALES Y EL DESARROLLO RURAL SUSTENTABLE, 2., 2001, Coro. Programa y resumenes. Coro, Falcon: Fundacite Falcon, 2001. p.66. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pantanal. |
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5. |  | SERENO, J. R. B.; SERENO, F. T. P. S.; MORENO, T.; DODE, M. A. N.; CABELLO, A. Dificultades en la extracion y congelacion de semen de animales domesticos inseridos en programas de conservacion en sus proprios habitats. In: SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE CONSERVACION DE LOS RECURSOS GENETICOS LOCALES Y EL DESARROLLO RURAL SUSTENTABLE, 2., 2001, Coro. Programa y resumenes. Coro, Falcon: Fundacite Falcon, 2001. p.65. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pantanal. |
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6. |  | MORAES, M. T. T. de; ROCHA, C. da; MORENO, T. B.; SUREK, D.; BORGES, S. A.; MAIORKA, A. Effect of different dietary electrolyte balance values at high temperature peaks on performance and egg quality of Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, v. 28, n. 4, p. 1234-1239, 2019. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Suínos e Aves. |
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7. |  | MORENO, T. E.; SERENO, J. R. B.; CABELLO, A.; SERENO, F. T. P. S.; CHALITA, L. V. A. S.; DELGADO, J. V. Estudio comparativo del desarrollo corporal y crescimiento testicular de lechones en le provincia de Cordoba, Espana. In: SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE CONSERVACION DE LOS RECURSOS GENETICOS LOCALES Y EL DESARROLLO RURAL SUSTENTABLE, 2., 2001, Coro. Programa y resumenes. Coro, Falcon: Fundacite Falcon, 2001. p.51. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pantanal. |
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8. |  | MORENO, T. E.; SERENO, J. R. B.; CABELLO, A.; SERENO, F. T. P. S.; CHALITA, L. V. A. S.; DELGADO, J. V. Desarrollo corporal en cerdas ibericas de la variedad torbiscal comparadas con hembras duroc jersey. In: SIMPOSIO IBEROAMERICANO SOBRE CONSERVACION DE LOS RECURSOS GENETICOS LOCALES Y EL DESARROLLO RURAL SUSTENTABLE, 2., 2001, Coro. Programa y resumenes. Coro, Falcon: Fundacite Falcon, 2001. p.43. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pantanal. |
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9. |  | PEREIRA, V. da S.; MENEZES, K. V.; MORENO, T. de J. C.; OTENIO, M. H.; IGNACCHITI, M. D. C.; RESENDE, J. A. Perfil de susceptibilidade a biocidas de Escherichia coli isoladas de biodigestor anaeróbio. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO INTERDISCIPLINAR EM CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA, 3., 2022. "15 anos dos BIs e LIs: retrospectiva, resistência e futuro": anais. [S.l.: s.n.], 2022. CoBICET.
Evento online. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite. |
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10. |  | MENEZES, K. V.; DUARTE, C. A. de S.; MOREIRA, M. G.; MORENO, T. de J. C.; PEREIRA, V. J. da S.; UCELLA-FILHO, J. G. M.; OTENIO, M. H.; IGNACCHITI, M. D. C.; RESENDE, J. A. Enterobacteria in anaerobic digestion of dairy cattle wastewater: assessing virulence and resistance for one health security. Water Research, v. 252, 121192, 2024. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite. |
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Registros recuperados : 10 | |
 | Acesso ao texto completo restrito à biblioteca da Embrapa Suínos e Aves. Para informações adicionais entre em contato com cnpsa.biblioteca@embrapa.br. |
Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s): |
Embrapa Suínos e Aves. |
Data corrente: |
07/11/2019 |
Data da última atualização: |
07/11/2019 |
Tipo da produção científica: |
Artigo em Periódico Indexado |
Circulação/Nível: |
B - 1 |
Autoria: |
Afiliação: |
Título: |
Effect of different dietary electrolyte balance values at high temperature peaks on performance and egg quality of Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). |
Ano de publicação: |
2019 |
Fonte/Imprenta: |
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, v. 28, n. 4, p. 1234-1239, 2019. |
DOI: |
10.3382/japr/pfz089 |
Idioma: |
Inglês |
Conteúdo: |
Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary electrolyte balance on the live performance and egg quality of Japanese quail subjected to high temperatures peak. Six hundred birds were distributed, according to a completely randomized experimental design, into 5 treatments with 8 replicates of 15 birds each. The following electrolyte balance values were applied: 140, 196, 241, 286, and 320 mEq/kg. The performance parameters evaluated were egg production, daily feed intake, egg mass, and feed conversion ratio. Egg quality was evaluated relative to egg weight, egg specific gravity, yolk weight, eggshell weight, albumen egg weight, eggshell thickness, and yolk color. Dietary balance electrolytic influenced quadratically egg mass and feed conversion rate. Quail fed diets containing electrolytic balance between 196 and 241 mEq/kg feed presented better yolk and albumen weight results. Dietary electrolyte balance affects the performance and egg quality of laying Japanese quail when submitted to high peak environmental temperatures. |
Palavras-Chave: |
Estresse térmico; Qualidade do ovo. |
Thesagro: |
Casca de Ovo; Codorna; Equilíbrio Ácido-Base. |
Thesaurus NAL: |
Acid-base balance; Coturnix japonica; Egg quality; Egg shell quality; Heat stress; Quails. |
Categoria do assunto: |
-- |
Marc: |
LEADER 02084naa a2200325 a 4500 001 2114008 005 2019-11-07 008 2019 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 024 7 $a10.3382/japr/pfz089$2DOI 100 1 $aMORAES, M. T. T. de 245 $aEffect of different dietary electrolyte balance values at high temperature peaks on performance and egg quality of Japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2019 520 $aAbstract: The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dietary electrolyte balance on the live performance and egg quality of Japanese quail subjected to high temperatures peak. Six hundred birds were distributed, according to a completely randomized experimental design, into 5 treatments with 8 replicates of 15 birds each. The following electrolyte balance values were applied: 140, 196, 241, 286, and 320 mEq/kg. The performance parameters evaluated were egg production, daily feed intake, egg mass, and feed conversion ratio. Egg quality was evaluated relative to egg weight, egg specific gravity, yolk weight, eggshell weight, albumen egg weight, eggshell thickness, and yolk color. Dietary balance electrolytic influenced quadratically egg mass and feed conversion rate. Quail fed diets containing electrolytic balance between 196 and 241 mEq/kg feed presented better yolk and albumen weight results. Dietary electrolyte balance affects the performance and egg quality of laying Japanese quail when submitted to high peak environmental temperatures. 650 $aAcid-base balance 650 $aCoturnix japonica 650 $aEgg quality 650 $aEgg shell quality 650 $aHeat stress 650 $aQuails 650 $aCasca de Ovo 650 $aCodorna 650 $aEquilíbrio Ácido-Base 653 $aEstresse térmico 653 $aQualidade do ovo 700 1 $aROCHA, C. da 700 1 $aMORENO, T. B. 700 1 $aSUREK, D. 700 1 $aBORGES, S. A. 700 1 $aMAIORKA, A. 773 $tThe Journal of Applied Poultry Research$gv. 28, n. 4, p. 1234-1239, 2019.
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Embrapa Suínos e Aves (CNPSA) |
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