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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoTAYASU, I.; HYODO, F.; KONATÉ, S.; TONDOH, J. E.; LAVELLE, P. Feeding group diversity of soil macrofauna (termites and earthworms) in the Lamto reserve in Ivory Coast. In: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SOIL ZOOLOGY, 15; INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON APTERYGOTA, 12., 2008, Curitiba. Biodiversity, conservation and sustainabele management of soil animal: abstracts. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Editors: George Gardner Brown; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Renato Marques; Amarildo Pasini. 1 CD-ROM.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Florestas.

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2.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoHYODO, F.; TAYASU, I.; KONATÉ, S.; TONDOH, J. E.; LAVELLE, P.; WADA, E. Gradual enrichment of 15N with humification of diets in a belowground food web: relationship between 15N and diet age determined using 14C. In: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SOIL ZOOLOGY, 15; INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON APTERYGOTA, 12., 2008, Curitiba. Biodiversity, conservation and sustainabele management of soil animal: abstracts. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Editors: George Gardner Brown; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Renato Marques; Amarildo Pasini. 1 CD-ROM.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Florestas.

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Registro Completo

Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Florestas.
Data corrente:  06/10/2008
Data da última atualização:  06/10/2008
Título:  Feeding group diversity of soil macrofauna (termites and earthworms) in the Lamto reserve in Ivory Coast.
Ano de publicação:  2008
Fonte/Imprenta:  In: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SOIL ZOOLOGY, 15; INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON APTERYGOTA, 12., 2008, Curitiba. Biodiversity, conservation and sustainabele management of soil animal: abstracts. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Editors: George Gardner Brown; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Renato Marques; Amarildo Pasini. 1 CD-ROM.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  We investigated carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and radiocarbon concentration of soil macrofauna (termites and eathworms) obtained from the Lamto reserve in Ivory Coast. Two different vegetations were selected: a gallery forest along the Bandama river and a grass savanna dominated by Hyparrhenia and Andropogon. Three replicated plots were set in each vegetation. Termites and earthworms were sampled by hand-sorting. The isotope ratios of soils, leaf-litter and grass were determined and compared with the fauna. Noditermes aburiensis and Euchilotermes tensus, which are abundant soil-feeding termites in the gallery forest, had the highest values in both carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios within the gallery forest. Several species in the subfamily Termitinae and soldierless termites (the subfamily Apicotermitinae) had the ?elta-13C and ?elta-15N values lower than N. aburiensis and E. tensu. Cephalotermes rectangularis, Termes hospes and Amitermes evuncifer were plotted in the ?elta- 13C and ?elta-15N region, which is so-called a wood/soil interface feeder. Microcerotemes pauvus and other wood-feeding termites had the lowest ?elta-13C and ?elta-15N values. In contrast, Trinervitermes geminatus was the least enriched in nitrogen isotope ratio at the grass savanna. Epigeic species of Dichogaster had the lowest delta-15N and ?elta-13C values at both vegetation. Milsonia anomala, which is a common mesohumic endogeic earthworm in Lamto, had higher delta-15N values than epigei... Mostrar Tudo
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Registro original:  Embrapa Florestas (CNPF)
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CNPF43826 - 1UPEPL - --CD0305
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