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21.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoKUCHLER, P. C.; SIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; ARVOR, D.; MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.; ROSA, M.; GAETANO, R.; BÉGUÉ, A. Monitoring complex integrated crop-livestock systems at regional scale in Brazil: a big earth observation data approach. Remote Sensing, v. 14, n. 7, 1648, 2022.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Arroz e Feijão; Embrapa Solos.

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22.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoBÉGUÉ, A.; ARVOR, D.; BELLON, B.; BETBEDER, J.; ABELLEYRA, D. de; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; LEBOURGEOIS, V.; LELONG, C.; SIMÕES, M.; VERÓN, S. R. Remote sensing and cropping practices: a review. Remote Sensing, v. 10, n. 1, Jan. 2018.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Solos.

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23.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; FREITAS, P. L.; SKORUPAE, L.; MANZATTO, C.; EVANGELISTA, B.; MACHADO, P. L. O. A.; BÉGUÉ, A. Satellite based multi-scale methods to support governance of Brazil's low-carbon agriculture (ABC Plan). Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos, 2016. 1 folder.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura; Embrapa Solos.

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24.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSIMÕES, M. G.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; BÉGUÉ, A.; BELLÓN, B.; FREITAS, P. L.; MACHADO, P. L. O. A.; NEVES, M. L.; SKORUPA, L. Satellite based multi-scale methods to support governance of Brazil's low-carbon agriculture (ABC Plan). In: GEOBIA, 6., 2016, Enschede. Solutions & synergies: conference proceedings. Enschede: University of Twente, 2016.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Meio Ambiente.

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25.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSIMÕES, M. G.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; BÉGUÉ, A.; BELLÓN, B.; FREITAS, P. L.; MACHADO, P. L. O. A.; NEVES, M. L.; SKORUPA, L. Satellite based multi-scale methods to support governance of Brazil's low-carbon agriculture (ABC Plan). In: GEOBIA, 6., 2016, Enschede. Solutions & synergies: conference proceedings. Enschede: University of Twente, 2016.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Solos.

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26.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; FREITAS, P. L.; SKORUPAE, L.; MANZATTO, C.; PEREIRA, S.; EVANGELISTA, B.; XAUD, H.; XAUD, M.; MACHADO, P. L. O. A.; BÉGUÉ, A.; BELLÓN, B.; BARON, C.; LO SEEN, D.; COSTA, G. Methodologies and technological innovation for satellite monitoring of low carbon agriculture in support to Brazil's ABC Plan - GeoABC Project. Rio de Janeiro: Embrapa Solos, 2016. 1 folder.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura; Embrapa Solos.

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27.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoWALDNER, F.; SCHUCKNECHT, A.; LESIV, M.; GALLEGO, J.; SEE, L.; PÉREZ-HOYOS, A.; D'ANDRIMONT, R.; DE MAET, T.; LASO BAYAS, J. C.; FRITZ, S.; LEO, O.; KERDILES, H.; DÍEZ, M.; VAN TRICHT, K.; GILLIAMS, S.; SHELESTOV, A.; LAVRENIUK, M.; SIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; BELLÓN, B.; BÉGUÉ, A.; HAZEU, G.; STONACEK, V.; KOLOMAZNIK, J.; MISUREC, J.; VERÓN, S. R.; ABELLEYRA, D. de; PLOTNIKOV, D.; MINGYONG, L.; SINGHA, M.; PATIL, P.; ZHANG, M.; DEFOURNY, P. Conflation of expert and crowd reference data to validate global binary thematic maps. Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 221, p. 235-246, Feb. 2019.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Solos.

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28.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoJOLIVOT, A.; LEBOURGEOIS, V.; LEROUX, L.; AMELINE, M.; ANDRIAMANGA, V.; BELLÓN, B.; CASTETS, M.; CRESPIN-BOUCAUD, A.; DEFOURNY, P.; DIAZ, S.; DIEYE, M.; DUPUY, S.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; GAETANO, R.; GELY, M.; JAHEL, C.; KABORE, B.; LELONG, C.; LE MAIRE, G.; LO SEEN, D.; MUTHONI, M.; NDAO, B.; NEWBY, T.; SANTOS, C. L. M. de O.; RASOAMALALA, E.; SIMÕES, M.; THIAW, I.; TIMMERMANS, A.; TRAN, A.; BÉGUÉ, A. Harmonized in situ datasets for agricultural land use mapping and monitoring in tropical countries. Earth System Science Data, v. 13, n. 2, p. 5951-5967, 2021.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Solos.

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Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Arroz e Feijão; Embrapa Solos.
Data corrente:  04/04/2022
Data da última atualização:  05/04/2022
Tipo da produção científica:  Artigo em Periódico Indexado
Circulação/Nível:  A - 1
Autoria:  KUCHLER, P. C.; SIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; ARVOR, D.; MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.; ROSA, M.; GAETANO, R.; BÉGUÉ, A.
Título:  Monitoring complex integrated crop-livestock systems at regional scale in Brazil: a big earth observation data approach.
Ano de publicação:  2022
Fonte/Imprenta:  Remote Sensing, v. 14, n. 7, 1648, 2022.
DOI:  https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14071648
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Due to different combinations of agriculture, livestock and forestry managed by rotation, succession and intercropping practices, integrated agriculture production systems such as integrated crop-livestock systems (iCL) constitute a very complex target and a challenge for automatic mapping of cropping practices based on remote sensing data. The overall objective of this study was to develop a classification strategy for the annual mapping of integrated Crop-Livestock systems (iCL) at a regional scale. This strategy was designed and tested in the six agro-climatic regions of Mato Grosso, the largest Brazilian soybean producer state, using MODIS satellite time-series images acquired between 2012 and 2019, ground data with heterogeneous distribution in space and time and a Random Forest classifier. The results showed that: 1. the use of unbalanced training samples with a class composition close to the real one was the right classifier training strategy; 2. the use of a single training database (pooling samples from different years and regions) to classify each region and year individually proved to be robust enough to provide similar classification accuracies in comparison to those based on the use of a database acquired for each region and for each year. The final hierarchical classification overall accuracy was 0.89 for Level 1, the cropping pattern level (single and double crops DC); 0.84 for Level 2, the DC category level (integrated system iCL soy-pasture/brachiaria, soy-c... Mostrar Tudo
Palavras-Chave:  Big data; Hierarchical classification; Machine learning; MODIS; Samples balancing; Satellite image time series; Training sample designs.
Thesagro:  Agricultura Sustentável.
Thesaurus NAL:  Cropping systems; Double cropping; Sustainable agriculture.
Categoria do assunto:  P Recursos Naturais, Ciências Ambientais e da Terra
URL:  https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/doc/1141783/1/Monitoring-complex-integrated-crop-livestock-systems-at-regional-scale-in-Brazil-2022.pdf
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Solos (CNPS)
Biblioteca ID Origem Tipo/Formato Classificação Cutter Registro Volume Status
CNPAF36420 - 1UPCAP - DD20222022
CNPS21026 - 1UPCAP - DD
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