BDPA - Bases de Dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa

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Biblioteca(s):  Ebooks.
Data corrente:  07/01/2011
Data da última atualização:  16/06/2011
Autoria:  EVANS, J.; FILSFILS, C.
Afiliação:  John Evans; Clarence Filsfils.
Título:  Deploying IP and MPLS QoS for multiservice networks: theory and practice
Ano de publicação:  2007
Fonte/Imprenta:  San Francisco, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann; Oxford: Elsevier Science [distributor], 2007.
Páginas:  xxiii, 431 p. :
Descrição Física:  ill. ;25 cm.
ISBN:  9780123705495
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  CH 1: Service Level Agreements / CH 2: Intro to QoS Mechanics and Architectures / CH 3: Deploying Diffserv / CH 4: Admission Control / CH 5: Traffic Engineering / CH 6: High Availability Technologies / CH 7: Capacity Planning and Network Monitoring.QoS, short for quality of service, is one of the most important goals a network designer or administrator will have. Ensuring that the network runs at optimal precision with data remaining accurate, traveling fast, and to the correct user are the main objectives of QoS. The various media that fly across the network including voice, video, and data have different idiosyncrasies that try the dimensions of the network. This malleable network architecture poses an always moving potential problem for the network professional. The authors have provided a comprehensive treatise on this subject. They have included topics such as traffic engineering, capacity planning, and admission control. This book provides real world case studies of QoS in multiservice networks. These case studies remove the mystery behind QoS by illustrating the how, what, and why of implementing QoS within networks. Readers will be able to learn from the successes and failures of these actual working designs and configurations. *Helps readers understand concepts of IP QoS by presenting clear descriptions of QoS components, architectures, and protocols *Directs readers in the design and deployment of IP QoS networks through fully explained examples of actual working d... Mostrar Tudo
Palavras-Chave:  Computer networks; Integrated services digital networks; MPLS standard; Multicasting (Computer networks).
Categoria do assunto:  --
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Ebooks (Ebooks)
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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSCHWARZ, R. S.; TEIXEIRA, E. W.; TAUBER, J. P.; BIRKE, J. M.; MARTINS, M. F.; FONSECA, I.; EVANS, J. D. Honey bee colonies act as reservoirs for two Spiroplasma facultative symbionts and incur complex, multiyear infection dynamics. Microbiology Open, v. 3, n. 3, p. 341-355, 2014. 15 p.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: B - 3
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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2.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoTEIXEIRA, E. W.; DAIBERT, R. M. de P.; GLATZL JÚNIOR, L. A.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; ALVES, M. L. T. M. F.; EVANS, J. D.; TOTH, A. L. Transcriptomic analysis suggests candidate genes for hygienic behavior in African-derived Apis mellifera honeybees. Apidologie, v. 52, p. 447-462, 2021.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: A - 2
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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3.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoGUIMARÃES-CESTARO, L.; SERRÃO, J. E.; MARTINS, M. F.; MARTÍNEZ, L. C.; ALVES, M. L. T. M. F.; LAZZARINI, K. R. G.; NOCELLI, R. C. F.; MALASPINA, O.; EVANS, J. D.; TEIXEIRA, E. W. Viruses, microsporidia and glyphosate residues in Africanized honey bees Apis mellifera, under field conditions. Journal of Apicultural Research, v. 63, n. 2, p. 245-255, 2024.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: A - 3
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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