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Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Pantanal.
Data corrente:  13/04/1999
Data da última atualização:  13/04/1999
Autoria:  WATSON, D. J.; BALON, E. K.
Afiliação:  Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Título:  Ecomorphological analysis of fish taxocenes in rainforest streams of northern Borneo.
Ano de publicação:  1984
Fonte/Imprenta:  Journal of Fish Biology, v.25, p.371-384, 1984.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Average species richness for fish taxocenes in the Nida River (Poland), Grand River (Ontario) and Baran River (Sarawak, Malaysia) was 7, 16 and 24 species respectively. Discriminant analysis of 15 morphological attributes indicated Baran fishes partitioned the habitat vertically into mainly syrface, pelagic, benthic and substratum niche types. Attribute comparisons among the river systems revealed a progression towards more sedentary benthic morphologic with increasing average species richness. Similarity, niche compression as a consequence of increasing average species richness was indicated by a reduction in lenght of life and average size, and was associated with development of complex life-history and reproductive styles. Total niche space occupied by the fish taxocenes was comparable in the three river systems despite differences in species richness. The amount of species packing and niche space occupied by Baran fish taxocenes were also not related to the numbers of species present. Fish community strucuture was apparently determined by the range of available resources and the associated specializations of the coexisting species.
Palavras-Chave:  Ecomorphological analysis; Fish taxocenes; Northern Borneo; Rainforest.
Thesagro:  Floresta Tropical; Peixe.
Categoria do assunto:  --
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Pantanal (CPAP)
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CPAP38160 - 1ADDSP - --SP46094609
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