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Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Agricultura Digital.
Data corrente:  06/10/1997
Data da última atualização:  24/03/2010
Autoria:  FOWLER, S. R.; NOVAK, J. L.; SIMPSON III, E. H.
Título:  Modem-accessible information services for agriculture and extension.
Ano de publicação:  1994
Fonte/Imprenta:  In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 5., 1994, Orlando. Computers in agriculture: proceedings. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE, 1994.
Páginas:  p. 616-621.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Although universities, government agencies and other public enties can find vast amounts of information using the internet, most of the public still relies upon dial-up modern access to get computer-based information services. There are many electronic Bulletin Board Services (BBS) and other modem-accessible information systems operated by state extension services, USDA, universities and other entites which serve many clientele. The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an updated listing of many on-line information system related to agriculture and/or other cooperative extension service program areas that are accessible to the public by modem. A secondary objective is to provide insight into available features and technical requirements for using these systems.
Palavras-Chave:  Agroinformatics; Computadores aplicados a agricultura; Computer in agriculture; Informatica na agropecuaria; Information technology in agriculture; Tecnologia de informacao na agricultura.
Categoria do assunto:  --
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Agricultura Digital (CNPTIA)
Biblioteca ID Origem Tipo/Formato Classificação Cutter Registro Volume Status URL
CNPTIA5624 - 1ADDPL - PP630.285INT1997.00028
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