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Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Soja.
Data corrente:  06/05/1993
Data da última atualização:  26/10/2004
Autoria:  ALAM, M. S.; RAHMAN, M. A.
Título:  Evaluation of AVRDC soybean lines under Bangladesh condition.
Ano de publicação:  1989
Fonte/Imprenta:  In: CONFERENCIA MUNDIAL DE INVESTIGACION EN SOJA, 4., 1989, Buenos Aires. Actas... Buenos Aires: AASOJA, 1989.
Volume:  t.3
Páginas:  p.1193-1197.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Twelve soybean lines received from AVRDC were evaluated on the loamy soil (pH 6.5) of Jamalpur, Bangladesh during winter of 1987-88. The lines were, AGS-58, 66, 129, 160, 162, 200, 209, 215, 222, 227, G 2261 and AVRDC local check 30293-6-10. The seeds inoculated with Rhizobium japonicum were sown on December 12, 1987. The crop received 20-60-30 kg NPK/ha. The maturing period ranged from 108-136 days. The exotic lines responded markedly to Bangladesh environment. The line G 2261 produced significantly higher yield of 2580 kg/ha followed by AVRDC local check 30293-6-10 (2420 kg/ha). AGS-209 and 215 gave yields of 2130 and 2120 kg/ha respectively which were at par with recommended variety Davis and Indian variety Pb-1-1 (2030 and 2150 kg/ha). The yield range ofother exotic lines were from 1070 to 1930 kg/ha. a positive correlation was observed between duration and yield in most of the lines. AGS-209 produced the tallest plants (84.6 cm) and the shortest plant height was observed in AGS-222 (60.2 cm). The highest number of fertile pods per plant were noted in AGS-66 (48.7) and lowest in AGS-200.
Palavras-Chave:  Soybean.
Thesagro:  Inoculação; Semente; Soja.
Thesaurus Nal:  Bangladesh; seed inoculation.
Categoria do assunto:  --
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Soja (CNPSO)
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