BDPA - Bases de Dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa

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Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.
Data corrente:  19/09/2018
Data da última atualização:  19/09/2018
Autoria:  JONES, A. R.; MONTAGUE, M. D.
Título:  Metabolism of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate by mature boar spermatozoa.
Ano de publicação:  1991
Fonte/Imprenta:  Reproduction, Fertility and Development, v. 3, n. 5, p. 609-613, 1991.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Abstract: Mature epididymal boar spermatozoa converted glucose and fructose to carbon dioxide and lactate and maintained high concentrations of ATP. In the presence of (S)-alpha-chlorohydrin these processes were inhibited and there was an accumulation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. With fructose-1,6-bisphosphate as the substrate, the concentration of ATP was maintained, carbon dioxide was evolved and dihydroxyacetone phosphate accumulated. Cells pre-incubated with (S)-alpha-chlorohydrin did not maintain ATP levels, evolved less carbon dioxide and produced dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Assays of incubates in which fructose-1,6-bisphosphate was used as the substrate showed the presence of equilibrium quantities of fructose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate which were not detected when either fructose or glucose were used as substrates. [14C]Fructose and [14C]glucose were not produced from [14C]fructose-1,6-bisphosphate in spermatozoal incubates which had or had not been pre-incubated with (S)-alpha-chlorohydrin. Evidence is presented that a high concentration of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate leads to the formation of fructose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate but not of fructose and/or glucose.
Palavras-Chave:  Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate; Fructosediphosphates; Fructosephosphates; Glucosephosphates.
Thesaurus Nal:  Adenosine diphosphate; Carbon dioxide; Fructose; Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase; Pharmacology; Spermatozoa; Swine.
Categoria do assunto:  L Ciência Animal e Produtos de Origem Animal
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos (CNPC)
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CNPC37809 - 1ADDAP - PP

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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoJONES, A. L. Research on apple diseases in Brazil. Consultant final report IICA/EMBRAPA-PROCENSUL II. Brasília, DF: IICA: EMBRAPA, 1989. 13 p. (IICA. Publicações miscelâneas A4/BR 87-029)
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Unidades Centrais.
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2.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoARBOUR, N.; LOPES, M. A.; PALAZZO, A.; SHUKLA-JONES, A.; TULLY, C.; TRUDEL, J-L. Let us no longer be oblivious: paths to weathering the next storm. Candian Science Policy Centre, 2020. 5 p. PDF Conference Editorials, 2020.
Tipo: Artigo de Divulgação na Mídia
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Agroenergia.
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3.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoGARDI, C.; ANGELINI, M.; BARCELÓ, S.; COMERMA, J.; CRUZ GAISTARDO, C.; ENCINA ROJAS, A.; JONES, A.; KRASILNIKOV, P.; MENDONÇA-SANTOS, M. L.; MONTANARELLA, L.; MUÑIZ UGARTE, O.; SCHAD, P.; VARA RODRÍGUEZ, M. I.; VARGAS, R.; RAVINA DA SILVA, M. (ed.). Atlas de solos da América Latina e do Caribe. Luxemburgo: Comissão Europeia, Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia, 2015. 176 p. il. color.
Tipo: Autoria/Organização/Edição de Livros
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Cocais; Embrapa Solos.
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4.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoGARDI, C.; ANGELINI, M.; BARCELÓ, S.; COMERMA, J.; CRUZ GAISTARDO, C.; ENCINA ROJAS, A.; JONES, A.; KRASILNIKOV, P.; MENDONÇA SANTOS BREFIN, M. L.; MONTANARELLA, L.; MUÑIZ UGARTE, O.; SCHAD, P.; VARA RODRÍGUEZ, M. I.; VARGAS, R. (ed.). Atlas de suelos de America Latina y el Caribe. Luxembourg: Comisión Europea, Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea, 2014. 176 p. il. color.
Tipo: Autoria/Organização/Edição de Livros
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Solos.
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