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BDPA - Bases de Dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa

Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.
Data corrente:  23/06/2017
Data da última atualização:  23/06/2017
Autoria:  KNIGHT, C. H.; FOWLER, P. A.; WILDE, C. J.
Título:  Galactopoietic and mammogenic effects of long-term treatment with bovine growth hormone and thrice daily milking in goats.
Ano de publicação:  1990
Fonte/Imprenta:  Journal of Endocrinology, v. 127, n. 1, p. 129-138, Oct. 1990.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Abstract: Starting in mid-lactation, goats were treated daily for 22 weeks with 0.15 mg recombinant bovine GH (bGH)/kg, or an equivalent volume of vehicle. One gland of each goat was milked thrice daily throughout treatment, the other twice daily. Mammary differentiation was studied in biopsy samples obtained before treatment and after 3 and 22 weeks of treatment, by determination of in-vitro synthesis rates of milk constituents and measurement of enzyme activities. Mammary growth was measured using a whole-body imaging technique (magnetic resonance imaging; MRI). bGH caused an immediate and sustained increase in milk yield of approximately 23% overall, whilst the glands milked thrice daily produced approximately 14% more than the control glands milked twice daily. The effects of the combined treatment were additive, but not synergistic. A synergistic effect of the combined treatment resulted in a significant improvement in lactation persistency. A stimulatory effect of milking frequency on mammary enzyme activities was evident only in bGH-treated goats at 3 weeks, but in both groups at 22 weeks. Synthesis rates of casein and lactose were increased at 3 weeks only by the combined treatment. Thus bGH accelerated or augmented the differentiative response to thrice daily milking. Mammary parenchyma volume, estimated by MRI, increased significantly during the first 12 weeks of bGH treatment and remained higher throughout the rest of the treatment period. Cell number was estimate... Mostrar Tudo
Palavras-Chave:  Drug effects; Galactosy; Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase; Growth Hormone; Time Factors.
Thesaurus Nal:  Fatty Acids; Goats; Lactation; Mammary Glands; Milk; Physiology; Recombinant Proteins.
Categoria do assunto:  L Ciência Animal e Produtos de Origem Animal
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos (CNPC)
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CNPC33940 - 1ADDAP - PP
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