BDPA - Bases de Dados da Pesquisa Agropecuária Embrapa

Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.
Data corrente:  10/02/2017
Data da última atualização:  10/02/2017
Autoria:  PRASAD, V. S. S.; NIVSARKAR, A. E.; SINGH, R. N.; BOHRA, S. D. J.; KUMAR, M.
Título:  Body conformation and carcass characteristics of native and cross bred lambs on a high energy ration.
Ano de publicação:  1983
Fonte/Imprenta:  The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, v. 53, n. 2, p. 156-161, Feb. 1983.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Male lambs (126) representing 11 genetic groups [from Malpura, Sonadi, Dorset, Suffolk, Karakul and their crosses] were fed on a ration containing 9.04% DCP [digestible crude protein] and 69.29% TDN [total digestible nutrients] from 91-180 days of age, and slaughtered on the 181st day. Genetic group differences for 7 live lamb measurements and 9 carcass traits were studied. Correlations were determined between each measurement and carcass trait. Genetic group differences were observed for all the body measurements except body length and the circumference of the thigh. Carcass characters except the loin-eye area and the weight of neck and shoulder significantly differed between genetic groups. Dorset crosses (half-breeds and F2s) with Sonadi and Suffolk half-breds with Sonadi and Malpura were heavier at slaughter and also yielded heavier carcasses than natives and other crosses. Slaughter weight was significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with all the live lamb measurements, carcass weight, joint weights and loin-eye area. The circumference of the thigh and width of the loin coud be of predictive value for dressing percentage and percent bones in lamb carcasses.
Palavras-Chave:  Característica da carcaça; Carcasses.
Thesagro:  Cordeiro; Cruzamento; Ovino.
Thesaurus Nal:  Carcass composition; Lamb meat; Sheep.
Categoria do assunto:  L Ciência Animal e Produtos de Origem Animal
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos (CNPC)
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CNPC32737 - 1ADDAP - PP
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