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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoKRISHNA, H.; SINGH, S. K. Biotechnology advances in mango (Mangifera indica L.) and their future implication in crop improvement - a review. Biotechnology Advances, v. 5, p.223-243, 2007.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido.

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2.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoPANWAR, R.; SINGH, S. K.; SINGH, C. P.; SINGH, P. K. Mango fruit yield and quality improvement through fertigation along with mulch. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, v. 77, n. 10, p. 680-684, 2007.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Semiárido.

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3.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSHARMA, R. R.; SINGH, C. N.; CHHONKAR, O. P.; GOSWAMI, A. M.; SINGH, S. K. Polyphenol oxidase activity as an index for screening mango (Mangiferaindica L.) germplasm against malformation Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, Rome, Italy, n.124, p.41-43, 2000

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura.

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4.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINHA, N. K.; SINGH, S. K. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of body weights, average daily gains and first shearing wool yield in Muzaffarnagri sheep. Small Ruminant Research, v.26, n.1-2, p.21-29, 1997.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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5.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINGH, S. K.; AGARWAL, S. K.; SHANKAR, U.; YADAV, M. C. Effect of PGF2 alpha administration on onset of estrus, subsequent estrous cycle length and fertility following embryo collection in superovulated cattle. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, v. 17, n. 2, p. 92-95, Dec. 1996.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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6.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINGH, S. K.; SOOD, S. B.; KHAN, B. U. Genetic analysis of growth traits in Barbari kids. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GOATS, 5., 1992, New Delhi. Pre-conference proceedings abstracts contributory papers. New Delhi: International Goat Association, 1992. v. 1. p. 84.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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7.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoKROPF, W.; SINGH, S. K.; NARAYAN PRASAD, R. A.; SHARMA, O. P.; DE GROOT, B.; NIEUWHOF, G. A comparison of milk and reproductive performance of Sirohi goats with Alpine x Sirohi and Toggenburg x Sirohi crosses. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GOATS, 5., 1992, New Delhi. Pre-conference proceedings abstracts contributory papers. New Delhi: International Goat Association, 1992. v. 1. p. 59.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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8.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoROY, R.; SINGH, S. K.; KHAN, B. U. Milk yield of Jamunapari does. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GOATS, 5., 1992, New Delhi. Pre-conference proceedings abstracts contributory papers. New Delhi: International Goat Association, 1992. v. 1. p. 77.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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9.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINGH, S. K.; DUDEJA, S. S.; KHURANA, A. L. Rhizobium sp. exopolysaccharide production, nodulation, and acetylene reduction activity (N2-fixation) in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) Biol. Fertil. Soils, v. 11, n. 1, p. 30-33, 1991.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Agrobiologia.

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10.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINHA, S. N.; SINGH, S. K.; SINHA, A. K. Leakage of transaminases and lactic dehydrogenases in chilled semen of buck of different breeds. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, v. 9, n. 2, p. 131-134, 1988.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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11.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINGH, C. S. P.; SHRIVASTAVA, S. N.; SINGH, S. K. A note on the incidence of oestrus in goats. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, v. 48, n. 1, p. 67-70, Jan. 1978.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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12.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoSINGH, S. K.; BHATTACHARYA, A. R.; LUKTURE, S. N. Studies on biometry of genital organs of female goat. Indian Veterinary Journal, v. 51, n. 2, p. 81-85, Feb. 1974.

Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos.

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