Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | LAVELLE, P.; BIGNELL, D. E.; AUSTEN, M. C.; BROWN, V. K.; BEHAN-PELLETIER, V.; GAREY, J. R.; GILLER, P. S.; HAWKINS, S. J.; BROWN, G. G.; ST. JOHN, M.; HUNT, H. W.; PAUL, E. A. Connecting soil and sediment biodiversity: the role of scale and implications for management. In: WALL, D. H. (Ed.). Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in soil and sediments. Washington: Island Press, 2004. p. 193-224. (SCOPE, 64). Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Soja. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | LAVELLE, P.; BIGNELL, D. E.; AUSTEN, M. C.; BROWN, V. K.; BEHAN-PELLETIER, V.; GAREY, J. R.; GILLER, P. S.; HAWKINS, S. J.; BROWN, G. G.; ST. JOHN, M.; HUNT, H. W.; PAUL, E. A. Connecting soil and sediment biodiversity: the role of scale and implications for management. In: WALL, D. H. (Ed.). Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in soil and sediments. Washington: Island Press, 2004. p. 193-224. (SCOPE, 64).Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Soja. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
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