Registros recuperados : 747 | |
Registros recuperados : 747 | |
Registros recuperados : 130 | |
2. |  | THOMAS, R.; HUNGRIA, M. South-South initiative for training and capacity building for the management of soil biology/biodiversity. In: INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SOIL ECOSYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, 2002, Londrina. Program, abstracts and related documents. Londrina: Embrapa Soybean: FAO, 2002. p. 140-142. (Embrapa Soja. Documentos, 182). Organizado por George G. Brown, Mariangela Hungria, Lenita Jacob Oliveira, Sally Bunning, Adriana Montañez.Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Soja. |
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Registros recuperados : 130 | |
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