Registros recuperados : 9 | |
4. | | ISHIKAWA, Y.; HE, J.; XU, G.; SHI, Y.; HUANG, G.; PANG, C.; ZHANG, Q.; WANG, G. Advanced Web and NetworkTechnologies, and Applications: APWeb 2008 International Workshops: BIDM, IWHDM, and DeWeb Shenyang, China, April 26-28, 2008. Revised Selected Papers Springer eBooks. v.: digital Lecture Notes in Computer Science,4977 | |
6. | | HILDER, V. A.; POWELL, K. S.; GATEHOUSE, A. M. R.; GATEHOUSE, J. A.; GATEHOUSE, L. N.; SHI, Y.; HAMILTON, W. D. O.; MERRYWEATHER, A.; NEWELL, C. A. Expression of snowdrop lectin in transgenic tobacco plants results in added protection against aphids. Transgenic Research, v.4, p.18-25, 1995. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Meio Norte / UEP-Parnaíba. |
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7. | | LIU, J.; BRAUN, E.; QIU, W.; SHI, Y. F.; MARCELINO-GUIMARÃES, F. C.; NAVARRE, D. R.; HILL, J. H.; WHITHAM, S. A. Positive and negative roles for soybean MPK6 in regulating defense responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, p. 1-36, Apr. 2014. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Soja. |
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8. | | LI, X.; KIRLEY, M.; ZHANG, M.; GREEN, D.; CIESIELSKI, V.; ABBASS, H.; MICHALEWICZ, Z.; HENDTLASS, T.; DEB, K.; TAN, K. C.; BRANKE, J.; SHI, Y. Simulated Evolution and Learning: 7th International Conference, SEAL 2008, Melbourne, Australia, December 7-10, 2008. Proceedings Springer eBooks. v.: digital Lecture Notes in Computer Science,5361 | |
9. | | MCCOUCH, S. R.; WRIGHT, M. H.; TUNG, C.-W.; MARON, L. G.; MCNALLY, K. L.; FITZGERALD, M.; DECLERCK, G.; AGOSTO-PEREZ, F.; KORNILIEV, P.; GREENBERG, A. J.; NAREDO, M. E. B.; MERCADO, S. M. Q.; HARRINGTON, S. E.; SHI, Y.; BRANCHINI, D. A.; FALCAO, P. R. K.; LEUNG, H.; EBANA, K.; YANO, M.; EIZENGA, G.; SINGH, N.; MCCLUNG, A.; MEZEY, J. Open access resources for genome-wide association mapping in rice. Nature Communications, p. 1-13, Feb, 2016. Article number:10532. Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Agricultura Digital. |
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Registros recuperados : 9 | |
Registros recuperados : 2 | |
1. | | LIU, J.; BRAUN, E.; QIU, W.; SHI, Y. F.; MARCELINO-GUIMARÃES, F. C.; NAVARRE, D. R.; HILL, J. H.; WHITHAM, S. A. Positive and negative roles for soybean MPK6 in regulating defense responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, p. 1-36, Apr. 2014.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: A - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Soja. |
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2. | | MCCOUCH, S. R.; WRIGHT, M. H.; TUNG, C.-W.; MARON, L. G.; MCNALLY, K. L.; FITZGERALD, M.; DECLERCK, G.; AGOSTO-PEREZ, F.; KORNILIEV, P.; GREENBERG, A. J.; NAREDO, M. E. B.; MERCADO, S. M. Q.; HARRINGTON, S. E.; SHI, Y.; BRANCHINI, D. A.; FALCAO, P. R. K.; LEUNG, H.; EBANA, K.; YANO, M.; EIZENGA, G.; SINGH, N.; MCCLUNG, A.; MEZEY, J. Open access resources for genome-wide association mapping in rice. Nature Communications, p. 1-13, Feb, 2016. Article number:10532.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: A - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Agricultura Digital. |
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Registros recuperados : 2 | |
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