Registros recuperados : 66 | |
Registros recuperados : 66 | |
Registros recuperados : 16 | |
4. |  | RISCHKOWSKY, B.; HOHNWALD, S.; KREYE, C.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; KING, J. M. Degraded pastures in the brazilian eastern amazon: smallholder management leads to high phytodiversity. In: INTERNATIONAL RANGELANDS CONGRESS, 7., 2003, Durban. Proceedings... Durban: Society for Range Management, 2003. p. 259-261.Tipo: Artigo em Anais de Congresso / Nota Técnica |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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7. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; KING, J. M.; CAMARAO, A. P. Integrating pastures into the traditional slash-and-burn cycle in Northeastern Pará, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL GRASSLAND CONGRESS, 19., 2001, São Pedro, SP. Grassland ecosystems: an outlook into the 21st century: proceedings. Piracicaba: Fealq: SBZ, 2001.Tipo: Artigo em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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8. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; KING, J. M.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; ZEPPENFELD, T. Intensive cattle browsing did not prevent fallow recuperation on smallholder grass-capoeira pastures in the NE-Amazon. Agroforestry Systems, v. 89, n. 5, p. 813-828, Oct. 2015.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: B - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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9. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; KING, J. M. Cattle impact on secondary vegetation proposed as component for smallholder pastures in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil - vegetation development and composition after 42 months of grazing. In: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON FOOD SECURITY, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, 2004, Berlin. Rural Poverty Reduction through Research for Development and Transformation: book of abstracts... Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2004. p. 270.Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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10. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; VIELHAUER, K.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; KING, J. M. From monotonous to enriched bushy pastures to replace the traditional smallholder management in north-eastern Pará, Brazil. In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS - ARCHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH, 2000, Hamburg. Proceedings. Geesthacht: GKSS, 2002. p. 345-347. Editado por Reinhard Lieberei, Helmut Bianchi, Vera Boehm, Christoph Reisdorff.Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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11. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; VIELHAUER, K.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; KING, J. M. From monotonous to enriched bushy pastures to replace the traditional smallhoulder management in north-eastern Pará, Brazil. In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS - ARCHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH, 2000, Hamburg. Proceedings. Geesthacht: GKSS, 2002. p. 345-347. Editado por Reinhard Lieberei, Helmut Bianchi, Vera Boehm, Christoph Reisdorff. Anexo 1 CD-ROM nº 0084, completo.Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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12. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; KING, J. M. The partial regeneration of secondary vegetation will renew the cropping cycle better than the inclusion of forage legumes on grazed cattle pasture in Eastern Amazonia. In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL PRODUCTION, 9.; REUNIÃO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO LATINOAMERICANA DE PRODUÇÃO ANIMAL, 18., 2003, Porto Alegre. Contributed papers-abstracts: proceedings. Porto Alegre: WAAP: ALPA: SBZ: UFRGS, 2003. p. 133.Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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13. |  | SIEGMUND-SCHULTZE, M.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; NIELSEN, S. N.; VEIGA, J. B. da; TOURRAND, J. F.; KING, J. M. The response of the smallholder farm to the introduction of cattle in eastern amazon: the case of the Bragantina region. In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS - ARCHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH, 2000, Hamburg. Proceedings. Geesthacht: GKSS, 2002. 1 CD-ROM. Editado por Reinhard Lieberei, Helmut Bianchi, Vera Boehm, Christoph Reisdorff.Tipo: Artigo em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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14. |  | SIEGMUND-SCHULTZE, M.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; NIELSEN, S. N.; VEIGA, J. B. da; TOURRAND, J.-F.; KING, J. M. The response of the smallholder farm to the introduction of cattle in eastern Amazonia: the case of the bragantina region. In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS - ARCHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH, 2000, Hamburg. Proceedings. Geesthacht: GKSS, 2002. p. 225-226. Editado por Reinhard Lieberei, Helmut Bianchi, Vera Boehm, Christoph Reisdorff. Publicado também em GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS: ARCHIEMENTS AND PROPECTS OF COOPERATIVE RESEARCH, 2000, Hamburg. Program and...Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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15. |  | HOHNWALD, S.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; CAMARAO, A. P.; SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R.; RODRIGUES FILHO, J. A.; KING, J. M. Integrating cattle into the slash-and-burn cycle on smallholdings in the Eastern Amazon, using grass-capoeira or grass-legume pastures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, v. 117, n. 4, p. 266-276, Dec. 2006.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: Internacional - A |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. |
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16. |  | WANG, X.; SENA FILHO, J. G. de; HOOVER, A. R.; KING, J. B.; ELLIS, T. K.; POWELL, D. R.; CICHEWCZ, R. H. Chemical epigenetics alters the secondary metabolite composition of guttate excreted by an Atlantic Forest soil derived Penicillium citreonigrum. Journal of Natural Products, Cincinnati, OH, v. 73, p. 942-948, 2010.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: A - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros. |
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Registros recuperados : 16 | |
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