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Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Florestas.
Data corrente:  15/09/2008
Data da última atualização:  15/09/2008
Título:  Morphological and structural aspects of the earthworm calciferous gland and its calcareous secretion.
Ano de publicação:  2008
Fonte/Imprenta:  In: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SOIL ZOOLOGY, 15; INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON APTERYGOTA, 12., 2008, Curitiba. Biodiversity, conservation and sustainabele management of soil animal: abstracts. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Editors: George Gardner Brown; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Renato Marques; Amarildo Pasini. 1 CD-ROM.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  The oesophageal glands of earthworms are commonly referred as calciferous glands and they are present in all species of the family Lumbricidae. Most studies have mainly focused on the well-known Lumbricus terrestris, however many structural aspects are still unknown for the majority of the species included in the family and the significance of their secretions remains uncertain. In this study we provide new insights into the morphology and ultraestructure of several earthworm species belonging to three genera (Allolobophora, Dendrobaena and Octolasion) collected from different locations in Europe. Earthworms were hand-sorted in the field and taken back to the laboratory for removal of the glands by dissection. The morphological studies of the mineral phases involved in the calcareous secretions were analysed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) of the air dried frozen sections. Results showed that the anatomy of the glands of these three genera falls into three types: (i) pouches and oesophageal enlargements present (Octolasion), pouches present but no enlargements (Allolobophora), pouches absent but enlargements present (Dendrobaena). Calcium secretion usually appears initially to be a ?milky fluid? and in those species with pouches the calcium carbonate crystals aggregate resulting in bigger concretions of different sizes. The morphological characterisation of the mineral secreetion using FE-SEM showed that the glandular segments contained spherulites us... Mostrar Tudo
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Registro original:  Embrapa Florestas (CNPF)
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CNPF43560 - 1UPEPL - --CD0305

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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoMÉNDEZ, J.; ALVAREZ-OTERO, R.; BRIONES, M. J. I. Morphological and structural aspects of the earthworm calciferous gland and its calcareous secretion. In: INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON SOIL ZOOLOGY, 15; INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON APTERYGOTA, 12., 2008, Curitiba. Biodiversity, conservation and sustainabele management of soil animal: abstracts. Colombo: Embrapa Florestas. Editors: George Gardner Brown; Klaus Dieter Sautter; Renato Marques; Amarildo Pasini. 1 CD-ROM.
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Florestas.
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2.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoOTERO, R.; HERNÁNDEZ, D.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A. Effect of Trichostatin-A on embryos of bovine clones modified genetically with GFP. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, v. 11, n. 25, 2018. 9 p.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: B - 4
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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3.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoOTERO, R.; HERNÁNDEZ, D.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A. Production of bovine transgenic embryos by microinjection of a lentiviral vector in mature ovocytes. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, v. 11, n. 31, 2018. 8 p.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: B - 4
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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4.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoASCARI, I. J.; MARTINS, S. C.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.; MENDEZ-OTERO, R.; JASMIN. Development of bovine embryos in vitro in coculture with murine mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic fibroblasts. Molecular Biology Reports, v. 45, n. 6, p. 1827-1837, 2018.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: A - 2
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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5.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoJASMIN, J.; GONÇAVES, F. Da S.; MARTINS. S. C.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.; MENDES-OTERO, R. Effect of coculture of mesenchymal stem cells and murine embryonic fibroblasts on bovine produced in vitro. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ANIMAL REPRODUCTION, 18., 2016, Tours. Abstracts... Tours: Society for Reproductive Biology, 2016. p. 422.
Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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6.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoJASMIM, J.; MARTINS, S. C.; GONÇALVES, F. S.; ASCARI, I. J.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.; MENDEZ-OTERO, R. Development of bovine embryons in vitro in co-culture with mesenchymal stem cells and murine embryonic fibroblasts. Animal Reproduction, v. 12, n. 3, p. 761. 2015. Edição dos proceedings do 29º Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society, 2015, Gramado.
Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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7.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoJASMIN, J.; GONÇALVES, F. S.; ASCARI, I. J.; FONSECA, T. S.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.; PETERS, V. M.; MENDEZ-OTERO, R. Optimization of in vitro development of mouse embryos using mesenchymal stem cells as feeder layers. Animal Reproduction, v. 11, n. 3, p. 463, 2014. Edição dos proceedings do 28º Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society, 2014, Natal.
Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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8.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoCAMARGO, L. S. de A.; OTERO, R. J.; GONÇALVES, F. S.; MUNK, M. P.; SOUZA, E. D.; IGUMA, L. T.; TOLEDO, J. R.; PARRA, N. C.; QUINTAO, C. C. R.; VIANA, J. H. M. Effect of lentiviral vectors microinjection into the perivitelline space of bovine early zygotes on embryo development and transgene expression. In: TRANSGENIC ANIMAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 9., 2013, Tahoe City, California. Abstracts... Tahoe City: [s.n.], 2013.
Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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9.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoCAMARGO, L. S. de A.; OTERO, R. J.; GONÇALVES, F. S.; MUNK, M. P.; SOUZA, E. D.; IGUMA, L. T.; TOLEDO, J. R.; PARRA PEREIRA, N. C.; QUINTAO, C. C. R.; VIANA, J. H. M. Effect of lentiviral vectors microinjection into the perivitelline space of bovine early zygotes on embryo development and transgene expression. In: UC Davis Transgenic Animal Research Conference, 9., 2014, Abstract...
Tipo: Resumo em Anais de Congresso
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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