01648naa a2200385 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000140006024501100007426000090018430000150019352004510020865000170065965000130067665000220068965000210071165000130073265000210074565000330076665000290079965000170082865000120084565000130085765000170087065300300088765300170091765300130093465300110094765300110095865300130096965300190098265300250100170000170102677302190104316706112015-06-17 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aUGUEN, K. aFast decomposition of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) residues in an agroforestry system and a monoculture. c2000 ap. 194-195 aThe aims of our study was (1) to determine if decomposition dynamics was different between mono and polyculture for stipes, sheaths and rachis, (2) to determine the best decomposition models for stipes, sheaths, rachis and leaflets. Accordin the results, the decompostion of peach palm residues was the same in the mono and polyculture and was very rapid. Surprisingly, stipes had decomposition rates more comparable to leaf litter than to boles. aagroforestry aland use amultiple cropping aBactris Gasipaes aBiomassa aCultivo Multiplo aDesenvolvimento Sustentável aFloresta Tropical Úmida aParte Aérea aPupunha aResíduo aUso da Terra aAerial parts (of plantas) aAgrofloresta aAmazonas aBrasil aManaus aResidues aSustainability aTropical rain forest1 aFRANKLIN, E. tIn: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS AGROFLORESTAIS, 3., 2000, Manaus. Sistemas agroflorestais: manejando a biodiversidade e compondo a paisagem rural - resumos expandidos. Manaus: Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, 2000.