04037naa a2200313 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400600006010000200012024500980014026000090023852031330024765000110338065000100339165000120340165000120341365000170342565000240344265000090346665300100347565300080348565300170349370000210351070000220353170000190355370000200357270000190359277301120361115321542016-10-03 2006 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-09352006000200007.2DOI1 aPROSPERI, C. P. aTaxa de gestação em cabras Alpinas e Saanen tratadas com hCG no terceiro dia após o estro. c2006 aA valiou-se o efeito da aplicaçao da gonadotrofina corionica humana (hCG) sobre a taxa e duraçao da gestaçao e sobre a concentraçao plasmatica de progesterona (P4) em cabras lactantes das raças Alpina (83) e Saanen (60), na estaçao de acasalamento induzida pelo programa de fotoperiodo artificial. Os animais foram distribuidos em dois tratamentos apos a cobriçao; as cabras do tratamento 1 (T1controle) receberam soluçao salina via intramuscular (1ml), e as do tratamento 2 (T2) receberam 250UI do hCG, no terceiro dia no pos-estro. As taxas de gestaçao, detectadas por exame ultra-sonografico, realizado no 352 apos a cobriçao, para as cabras das raças Alpina e Saanen controle e tratadas, foram de 8o,4; 7o,3; 72,7; 81,5%, respectivamente, nao diferindo entre os tratamentos.e entre as raças (P>0,005). A taxa media de gestaçao foi 77,2 e 75,0% para os animais controle e tratados, respectivamente. A duraçao da gestaçao nao foi influenciada pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). As amostras de sangue para analise da concentraçao plasmatica de progesterona (P4) foram coletadas de cinco cabras Alpina por tratamento, no dia do estro (dia o) e aos 3, 8, 15, 21, 42 e 60 dias apos o estro. Nao houve diferença na concentraçao plasmatica media de P4 entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), sendo de 5,84ng/ml para TI e 5,76ng/ml para T2. Observou- se diferença em relaçao aos dias de coleta (P<0,05). O hCG aplicado no terceiro dia pos-estro nao alterou a taxa de gestaçao e nem a concentraçao de P4. [Pregnancy rate and progesterone concentration of Alpine and Saanen goats treated with hCG the third day after estrus]. The experimental objective was to evaluate the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration on pregnancy rate and gestation length and on serum concentration of progesterone (P4) in Alpine (83) and Saanen (60) dairy goats induced by artificial photoperiod to enter the breeding season. Animals were randomly allocated to two treatments following estrus: in treatment 1 (T1) goats received 1ml saline solution and in treatment 2 (T2) animals received 250IU of hCG in 1ml saline intramuscularly during the third day after estrus. Pregnancy rates detected by ultrasound technology 35 days after mating did not differ significantly between treatments (P>0.05). They equaled 80.4 and 70.3% for Alpine goats and 72.7 and 81.5% for Saanen goats in T1 and T2, respectively. Overall pregnancy rates were 77.2% and 75.0% for the controls and treated animals, respectively. Gestation length was not affected by the hCG treatment. Blood samples were collected from 5 Alpine does from each treatment the day of estrus (day 0) and on days 3, 8, 15, 21, 42 and 60 after estrus, for determination of progesterone concentration in plasma. Means were 5.84 and 5.76ng/ml for the control and treated does, respectively, and were not affected by treatment (P>0.05), although concentrations did differ among collection days (P<0.05). The administration of hCG the third day after estrus did not affect pregnancy rate or P4 concentration and had no beneficial effect on reproduction in the does. aSaanen aCabra aCaprino aPrenhez aProgesterona aReprodução Animal aTaxa aEstro ahCG aRaça Alpina1 aTORRES, C. A. A.1 aGUIMARÃES, J. D.1 aBRUSCHI, J. H.1 aLEITE, P. A. G.1 aMAFFILI, V. V. tArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizontegv. 58, n.2, p. 190-195, abr. 2006.