02297nam a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000270006024501460008726000160023330000100024950000700025952015420032965000120187165000190188365000200190265000100192265000250193265000110195765000200196865000130198865300170200165300250201815158712019-10-11 1968 bl uuuu m 00u1 u #d1 aARAUJO FILHO, J. A. de aCarbohydrate storage in roots, underground stems, and stem bases of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum, Jacq.) as affected by interval of cutting. a1968.c1968 a49 f. aThesis (Master of Sciences) - The University of Arizona, Arizona. aThis work dealt w ith the effect of the in terval of; harvesting top growth on the storage of reserve carbohydrates in roots t underground s tem s, and stem b a ses of Sabi Guinea g ra s s . Percentage of to ta l a v a il­ able carbohydrates in the storage o rg an s, dry weight of th e se o rg an s, growth stage of the p lan ts , height of the f irs t l e a f , number of shoots per plant, and clump b asa l area, were determ ined every 15 days throughout the experim ental period. The cutting treatm ents stopped growth of the storage organs and Caused a temporary lowering of the percentage of reserve carbohydrates in th ese o rg an s. Only with the 30-day cutting w as there a general decline of to ta l availab le carbohydrates over the study period.: The 30day in terval and the 60-day in terval harmed the p lan ts the most; the f irs t b ecause it w as too short for the p lan ts to recupera te , the second, because the p lan ts were cut a t c ritic a l growth s tag es during seed for­ m ation. The 75-day cutting in terval was benefic ia l to the p lan ts , in tha t , by removing the old stem , the p lan ts were given a chance to s ta rt new growth which resu lted in a healthy development of the storage o rg an s. ; ' ' ’ ; . Basal area and number of shoots per plant were greater a t the end of the season for p lan ts cut a t 45-day or 75-day in te rva ls compared to v iii those, cut a t 30or 6-d ay in te rv a ls . Clipping a t the 60-day in terval resu lted in slow recovery in leaf height following clipp ing . aCutting aForage grasses aCapim Colonião aCorte aGramínea Forrageira aManejo aPanicum Maximum aPastagem aCapim-guiné aGrassland management