01868naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000240006024500890008426000090017352011530018265300400133565300110137565300150138665300090140170000200141070000230143070000180145370000220147177301570149310288972010-01-27 2003 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aGRÓRIO JÚNIOR, R. aComportamento dielétrico de blendas PVDF/POMA com baixa porcentagem de poma dopada. c2003 aThe real and imaginary components of the complex pennittivity of blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) with Poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) doped with toluenosulfonic acid (TSA) containing 1,2.5 and 5wt% POMA-TSA were deternlined in the frequency interval between 100Hz and 3MHz and in the temperature range from -120 up to 120°C. lt was observed that the values of and have an enhanced increase with the content of POMA-TSA and temperature in the region of frequencies below 10kHz. This effect decreases with the frequency and it was attributed to the interfacial polarization, which is caused by the blend heterogeneity, which in turn is formed by conductive POMA-TSA agglomerates dispersed in an insulating matrix of PVDF. The equation of Maxwell-Garnett, modified by Cohen, has been used to evaluate conductivity behavior ofPOMA-TSA in the blends. lt was observed a strong decrease in the POMA-TSA conductivity in the blend, which is bigger the lower is the POMA-TSA content in the blend. This decrease should be caused either by the POMA dedoping during the process of the blend preparation or by its dispersion into the insulating matrix. aBlendas de polímeros convencionais aFilmes aPolímeros aPOMA1 aMALMONGE, L. F.1 aFERREIRA, G. F. L.1 aSANTOS, W. N.1 aMATTOSO, L. H. C. tIn: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE POLÍMEROS. 7., nov. 2003., Belo Horizonte, MG. Anais... São Carlos: Associação Brasileira de Polímeros, 2003. p. 55-56.