02153naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400360006010000210009624501300011726000090024752014250025665000260168165000140170765300270172165300260174865300250177470000260179970000260182570000180185177300540186921635702024-04-12 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.1007/s11119-023-10019-72DOI1 aMOZAMBANI, C. I. aAdoption of precision agriculture technologies by sugarcane farmers in the state of São Paulo, Brazilh[electronic resource] c2023 ahis research aims at analyzing the determinants of the adoption and the intensity of adoption of precision agriculture technologies (PATs) by sugarcane farmers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A sample survey of 131 sugarcane farmers provided the data. Six adopted PATs were identified: GNSS and images for planting row orientation (52 adopters), tractor/harvester with automatic guidance system (32), georeferenced grids for soil sampling (15), images (satellite and/or drone) for mapping pests and yields (8), variable-rate applicators of fertilizers (8), and variable-rate applicators of pesticide (3). The adoption and adoption intensity (dependent variable) were measured as the number of PATs used by farmers. 53 farmers adopted at least one of these technologies, while 78 farmers did not adopt PATs. A count data model was used to test hypotheses on factors explaining both adoption and the intensity of adoption. The results suggested that the information provided by the sugarcane mills, the production scale and farmer perception that PATs would increase yield are determining factors for adoption. Information provided by private technical advisors and obtained at agricultural events plays an important role in the intensity of adoption. Such intensity is also affected by farmers’ previous experience with PATs, their perception that PATs would increase yield, and the availability of low-cost credit. aPrecision agriculture aSugarcane aAdoption of technology aIntensity of adoption aZero Infated Poisson1 aSOUZA FILHO, H. M. DE1 aVINHOLIS, M. de M. B.1 aCARRER, M. J. tPrecision Agriculturegv. 24, p. 1813-1835, 2023.