02394naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501020007726000090017950001410018852015880032965000130191765300300193065300300196065300260199065300410201665300140205770000190207177300860209011078882019-03-22 1977 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aLEITE, J. P. aRetention and leaching of copper and zinc in "Tabuleiro" soils as influenced by nutrient carrier. c1977 aTítulo em português: Retenção e lixiviamento de cobre e de zinco, influenciados pela fonte nutriente, em dois solos de ? tabuleiro?. aThe "tabuleiro" soils, clue to their topography and physical properties, would be acivantageous for agricultural developrnent. However, they are sandy, highly leached and extremely infertile. Deficiencies reported include those of copper and zinc. Nutrient carriers; which are not readily leachecí, but which will graduaily release available forms for uptake by the crop would be most suitable. Determinations of the retention and leaching of copper and zinc, as related to carrier, were made on samples taken from 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths of Red Ye[low Podzolic and kiydromorfic Pocizol soils from the State of Pernambuco. The 0-20 cm layer of the Biodgett soil of Western Montana was included for comparison. Both elements were readily retained by tho top soils, and to a greater extent than for subsoils. The Red Yellow Podzolic soil retained more copper and zínc than Hydromorfic Pocizol soil at: comparable depths. The organic fractions i retained much more copper nd zínc than mineral fractions of the same soil. The Biodgett soíl retained more copper than the orresponding depth of Brazilian soils, however zinc was retained almost equally. The sulphate forms of copper and zinc were leached less readily than resin adsorbed or chelated forms. Up to 100 percent of the copper or zinc acícied in these latter two forms was leached from the soil. Effects of acíding peat to the soil or removing soil organic matter were variable with re$pect to copper or zinc retention. Results suggest that salt forms of copper and zinc may be very efficient for combatting deficiencies. aLeaching aleaching of micronutrient aLixiviação de nutriente aMicronutrient cations aMicronutriente no solo de tabuleiros aTabuleiro1 aSKOGLEY, E. O. tPesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, DFgv. 12 (único), p. 27-34, 1977.