02185naa a2200277 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501490007726000090022652013010023565300240153665300200156065300200158065300230160065300270162365300330165065300310168365300180171470000260173270000210175870000190177970000200179870000240181877300650184220068592015-01-27 2014 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSOUZA, D. V. aGrowth of Manilkara huberi and Manilkara paraensis after logging and silvicultural treatments in the municipality of paragominas, Pará, Brazil. c2014 aThe effects of silvicultural treatments and logging on the growth rates of Manilkara huberi and Manilkara paraensis in a terra firme natural forest were evaluated. The study was performed in a Forest Management Unit (FMU) located in the municipality of Paragominas, PA. The experimental area covered 500 ha, where five treatments (100 ha each), with four replications per treatment (25 ha each), were established. The replications were randomly distributed in the 500 ha sample area of the FMU. The growth rate of trees was evaluated in the following treatments: T1 ? Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) + classic liberation thinning and climber cutting; T2 ? RIL + modified liberation thinning and climber cutting; T3 ? RIL + climber cutting; T6 - only RIL; T7 - unlogged forest (control). Manilkara huberi and Manilkara paraensis showed good responses on diameter growth rate to the post-harvesting silvicultural treatments applied. However, considering the growth rate differences between the evaluated periods, one can say that the short time elapsed from the application of silvicultural treatments (four years) to the end of the study period does not allow to make accurate statements about the most appropriate treatment for the species, or about the intensity of the interventions to be applied. aAnelagem de árvore aClimber cutting aCorte de cipós aDiameter increment aIncremento diamétrico aPost-harvesting silviculture aSilvicultura pós-colheita aTree girdling1 aCARVALHO, J. O. P. de1 aMENDES, F. da S.1 aMELO, L. de O.1 aSILVA, J. N. M.1 aJARDIM, F. C. da S. tFloresta, Curitibagv. 44, n. 3, p. 485-496, jul./set. 2014.