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Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Gado de Leite.
Data corrente:  01/07/2013
Data da última atualização:  11/08/2022
Tipo da produção científica:  Nota Técnica/Nota Científica
Autoria:  CARDOSO, R.; MONTEIRO, C. M. DE O.; PRATA, M. C. de A.; BATISTA, E. S. P.
Título:  Effect of the entomopathogenic nematode steinernema glaseri (Rhabditida: steinernematidae) isolate santa rosa on the biological parameters of engorged nymphs of amblyomma cajennense (Acari: ixodidae).
Ano de publicação:  2013
Fonte/Imprenta:  Arquivos do Instituto Biologico, v. 80, n. 2, p. 237-241, 2013.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  ABSTRACT - This work evaluated the in vitro effects of Steinernema glaseri on the biology of engorged Amblyomma cajennense nymphs. The ticks were exposed to infective juveniles (IJs) of S. glaseri at different concentrations. Each treatment was composed by 10 experimental units (EU = repetitions) in Petri dishes maintained at 27 ± 1º C and relative humidity (RH) > 80 ± 10% for 72 hours. Then the nymphs were transferred to Petri dishes free of nematodes for observation of the following parameters: pre-ecdysis period (PEP), ecdysis period (EP), molting period (MP), ecdysis percentage (%Ec) and mortality percentage (%Mt). The groups treated with 5,000 and 10,000 IJs/EU showed significant alterations in the PEP when compared to the control, while for the EP only the treatment with 10,000 IJs/EU produced any significant changes compared to the control. The MP did not differ significantly from the control in any of the treated groups. For the %Ec only the group treated with 10,000 IJs/EU differed significantly from the control. The greatest efficiency was obtained at the concentration of 10,000 IJs/EU, in which the mortality percentage was 13%. This demonstrates that the nematode utilized was not able to cause high mortality in engorged A. cajennense nymphs and agrees with other reports indicating that immature ticks are not highly susceptible to entomopathogenic nematodes. RESUMO - Esse trabalho avaliou os efeitos in vitro de Steinernema glaseri sobre a biologia de ninfas ingurgi... Mostrar Tudo
Palavras-Chave:  Carrapato estrela; Nematoide entomopatogênico.
Thesagro:  Controle Microbiano.
Categoria do assunto:  L Ciência Animal e Produtos de Origem Animal
URL:  https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/doc/960996/1/Effect-of-the-entomopathogenic-nematode-steinernema-glaseri.pdf
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Gado de Leite (CNPGL)
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CNPGL20574 - 1UPCAP - DD

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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoCARDOSO, R.; MONTEIRO, C. M. DE O.; PRATA, M. C. de A.; BATISTA, E. S. P. Effect of the entomopathogenic nematode steinernema glaseri (Rhabditida: steinernematidae) isolate santa rosa on the biological parameters of engorged nymphs of amblyomma cajennense (Acari: ixodidae). Arquivos do Instituto Biologico, v. 80, n. 2, p. 237-241, 2013.
Tipo: Nota Técnica/Nota Científica
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Gado de Leite.
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