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Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Embrapa Milho e Sorgo.
Data corrente:  06/08/2021
Data da última atualização:  06/08/2021
Tipo da produção científica:  Artigo em Periódico Indexado
Autoria:  MARQUES, D. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; MARRIEL, I. E.; GOMES JUNIOR, C. C.; SILVA, A. B. da; SOUZA, T. C. de.
Afiliação:  DANIELE MARIA MARQUES, Universidade Federal de Lavras; PAULO CESAR MAGALHAES, CNPMS; IVANILDO EVODIO MARRIEL, CNPMS; CARLOS CÉSAR GOMES JÚNIOR, Universidade Federal de Alfenas; ADRIANO BORTOLOTTI DA SILVA, Universidade José do Rosário Vellano - UNIFENAS; THIAGO CORRÊA DE SOUZA, Universidade Federal de Alfenas.
Título:  Gas exchange, root morphology and nutrients in maize plants inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense cultivated under two water conditions.
Ano de publicação:  2021
Fonte/Imprenta:  Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 64, e21190580, 2021.
DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-4324-2021190580
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  The objective of this study was to evaluate the gas exchange, root morphology and nutrient concentration in maize plants inoculated with A. brasilense under two water conditions. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse, one under irrigation and the other under water deficit. The treatments consisted of four A. brasilense inoculants (control (without inoculation), Az1 (CMS 7 + 26), Az2 (CMS 11 + 26) and Az3 (CMS 26 +42). At the V6 plant stage, water stress was imposed on maize plants for 15 days. The phytotechnical characteristics, gas exchange, root morphology, root dry matter and macronutrient analysis were evaluated after 15 days of water deficit imposition. The water deficit caused a reduction in the development of maize plants. The presence of A. brasilense Az1 under the same condition yielded higher photosynthesis, carboxylation efficiency, water use efficiency, and greater soil exploration with increased length, surface area and root volume of plants. Inoculation by A. brasilense increased root system volume by an average of 40 and 47% under irrigation and water deficit, respectively, when compared to non-inoculated plants. The inoculant Az1 attenuated the deleterious effects caused by drought and yielded the best growth of the root system, resulting in the tolerance of maize plants to water deficit.
Palavras-Chave:  Déficit hídrico; Eficiência; Uso da água; WinRhizo.
Thesagro:  Inoculação; Milho; Morfologia Vegetal; Nutriente; Raiz.
Categoria do assunto:  F Plantas e Produtos de Origem Vegetal
URL:  https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/item/224876/1/Gas-exchange.pdf
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS)
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CNPMS29569 - 1UPCAP - DD

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1.Imagem marcado/desmarcadoMARQUES, D. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; MARRIEL, I. E.; GOMES JUNIOR, C. C.; SILVA, A. B. da; SOUZA, T. C. de. Gas exchange, root morphology and nutrients in maize plants inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense cultivated under two water conditions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 64, e21190580, 2021.
Tipo: Artigo em Periódico IndexadoCirculação/Nível: B - 1
Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Milho e Sorgo.
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