Registros recuperados : 4 | |
4. | | JAMES. D.; PASSEY, A.; BAKER, S.; WILSOM, F.; STOW, J.; COLGAN, R.; HILES, E.; MASSIAH, A.; VAUGHAN, S.; BLAKESLEY, D.; SIMPSON, D.; SARGENT, D.; BULLEY, S.; HEDDEN, P.; PHILLIPS, A.; BIRICOLTI, S.; MAZZARA, M.; URATSU, S.; LABAVITCH, J.; DANDEKAR, A. M. Genetic modification to improve fruit quality: benefits for the grower, the consumer and the environment. Acta Horticulturae, The Hague, n. 622, p. 97-104, 2003. p. 97-104 Biblioteca(s): Embrapa Uva e Vinho. |
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Registros recuperados : 4 | |
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